Chapter 26 - Family

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"That brat needs to be taught a lesson in manners." Tobias said.

"Thought so too." Lorena said. Lucius gulped, his eyes dropping before he got to his feet, grabbing their plates and going to the kitchen counter.

"They need time." Noah muttered from his side as Lucius fussed about the kitchen.

"I know." Lucius mumbled.

"It's not your fault." Noah said, seeing Lucius nod. He finally stopped him, grabbing his arm and looking him in the eyes as he said, "They will be fine." Lucius sighed, placing the bowel he'd grabbed on the counter before wrapping his arms around Noah who held him tightly against himself.

"I'll be patient."

"So what are you doing?" Noah asked.

"They didn't finish eating." Lucius answered, letting go of him before grabbing a tray and starting to place everything on it.

Noah chuckled, seeing Lucius look at him with confusion made him say, "So much for being patient."

Lucius smiled at him, saying, "I have to take care of them like I promised."

"Want me to come with you?"

"I don't want him to panic again. I better go alone, try and talk to him. He is very protective of them."

"That is actually a good thing." Noah said.

"It's a great thing." Lucius agreed, "He's kept them safe."

"That is true." Noah kissed the top of Lucius's head before returning to the table as Lucius picked up the tray and headed to the door.

He went to their room, knocking on it before opening it with his elbow, making Cole look up at him with a frown. He was in the same spot from earlier on the window seat, but this time Mel was in his lap, her arms wrapped around his neck. Ben, who was as quiet as usual sat at his feet, his cheek against his brother's leg as his finger traced patterns on the carpet.

"What do you want?" Cole asked, "And I want a key to the door."

"Cole, I didn't mean to upset you earlier." Lucius said.

"You didn't upset me." Cole said stubbornly.

"Will you listen for a second?" Lucius asked, placing the tray on the low table beside the couch before going to the window, pretending not to notice how Cole pulled Mel closer, pressing himself further to one side of the window as Lucius sat opposite him on the other. "I know you are still scared."

"I am not." Cole said.

"It is alright to be." Lucius insisted, "I was terrified when I first got here. Not knowing who to trust, but I was sure I could trust Noah, so I did. It took me some time, even with Noah around. I was still scared. I couldn't sleep without nightmares. I never told anyone for years about what happened to me. They always thought that the tears and restless nights were because my father was dead. I didn't understand it fully, so I never spoke about it." Lucius reached a hand towards Cole, touching his knee and watching him try to hide a grimace, making Lucius withdraw his hand as he added, "Cole, it's not easy, I know. But when I tell you to trust me, don't just do it because we are blood, because you and I know how treacherous family could be. Do it because you know that after everything we went through, we would never dare do such a thing to another soul."

"I can't help how I act." Cole said, "It's impulse. To protect these two I would do anything. I know that my mind is playing tricks on me. That I am seeing things that are not there, imagining evil where there isn't, but I can't risk it. Trust has gotten me nowhere thus far. I don't want to regret something that I could have stopped."

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