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I drive down the winding roads with the pouring rain crashing down on my windshield. I am lost in my thoughts the street lights are the only thing I see as I try to listen to the soothing rain instead of these thoughts threatening my head to explode. It doesn't take very long for me to reach the old house I thought I would never have to see again. 

The chipped paint and old shutters send shivers down my spine. It looks exactly the same as it did all those nights ago. Theres only two things different one good, one bad. My fathers not here but neither is Ivy. 

I stop the car in the driveway and head up to the front door. Unsurprisingly it's locked. I look around and lift a rock to find our spare key still hiding under it. As I turn the key and swing the door open into the empty house my thoughts overflow with the horrible memories trying to resurface. The house is still covered in cigarette buds and broken beer bottles. I walk to the back bedrooms and almost let tears slip as I lay eyes on my bed. I go over to Ivys room and her stuffed giraffe is still laying perfectly on her bed sheets. I give it a little pat on the head before heading back to my room to grab a change of clothes. 

I go to the kitchen which not surprisingly the pantry is empty like it always is. Especially with my dad being in jail and this house being abandoned I didn't really know what I expected. There is a bottle of whiskey and decide to pour myself a glass or two. I don't usually drink but I needed my thoughts to stop. Two glasses turn to three and soon enough the whole bottle is gone and I end up passing out into a very deep sleep on the living room couch. 

TW: Launguage, Violence, Abuse, Rape. If any of these are hard for you to read please skip over this section of the story. Proceed with caution. 

I am in a deep sleep when I hear a familiar drunk laugh coming from across the room. I jolt up just to met with a pounding in my head from the excessive amount of alcohol I had consumed just hours before. I rub my eyes trying to get them to adjust to the sudden light pouring into the room when I feel a hard glass object crash against the side of my head. I turn around suddenly backing up on the couch to be met with the cold blue eyes from my nightmares. The eyes I thought I would never have to see again. 

" Well isn't this a surprise," My sperm donor of a father chuckles sinisterly. 

" Dad," I whisper the words getting caught in my throat. My heart is racing about a million miles a minute. " Your back," 

" Of course, I am. You didn't really think you could get me locked in that hellhole just because I was a little rough with you sometimes, did you bitch?" He yells grabbing my arm as I try not to yelp in pain. 

He lets out a small chuckle as his eyes meet the whiskey bottle next to the couch. " Look at you, I guess you take after your old man after all." 

" I am nothing like you," I spat. 

" We both no thats not true," He whispers getting closer to me. I freeze, I feel like my blood has stopped flowing and that time has completely stopped. I took a deep breath, afraid to move. Before I knew it he grabbed my arm and threw me off the couch. A piece of glass pierced my leg causing me to try and grab it in pain but one of his arms are grabbing my hands together and pulling them above my head. 

" I told you not to go to the fucking police, I warned you!" As he wraps his other hand around my throat. I begin gasping for air and trying to get out of his grasp. I tried kicking him but he was angled away from me. No matter how much I fought him he was stronger then I was. It was useless. He chokes me harder as I continue gasping for air. " You bitch! I did everything for you I gave you a roof over your head and this is how you repay me!" 

" I bet you were glad to put me away! You were probably sleeping around weren't you?  You little whore! Thats why you told those cops all that bullshit isn't it. You just wanted to go be a little slut." He finally let my throat go and I felt the air hit my throat. Blackness was threatening to cloud my vision and I wish it would just take me instead of teasing me with it and still making me feel this pain. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and dragged me up to my feet before slamming my head against the wall continuously as I go in and out of consciousness.

 " Please Stop" I beg but my words are barely a whisper. I could taste the blood in my mouth as he hit me across the face. As Im sure my head is also covered in blood. He drag me back down to the floor. 

" You think you can rat me out to the cops just so you can go sleep around?"  He yells at me. "Since you want to be a slut so bad you should be pretty good at this," He whispers as he begins to pull off my shirt. I scream, I kick, I punch I do everything in my power to get him off of me but it's no use. But the more I struggled the more he would hit me. My entire face was throbbing. My vision was clouded but I couldn't give in. I didn't want him anywhere near me. He was holding my wrists so tight that it began to hurt and I let out a small whimper. 

" Get away from me!" I tried to shout but it wasn't nearly as loud as it should have been. The words got caught in my throat as my sobs were caught in between. My entire face was drenched in tears but I couldn't even feel that I was crying. He hit me again right in the face. The force of the punch caused my head to snap to the side which covered the carpet in my blood. 

" Look at that you always seem to make a mess don't you bitch," He yells in disgust. 

I was still fading in and out of darkness and light. I just wished that the darkness would take me soon. I felt as his fingers pulled down my pants as he slid his off also. I was not prepared for what was about to happen. " No ones going to want you after this," He whispers as he laughs with a cruel look on his face as if he enjoys it. Now all I'm doing if praying for the darkness. 

A/N: I was a mess writing this. I hope nothing like this has ever happened to any of you and please be a cautious reader. I apologize, next chapter won't be so graphic. I promise. 

Word Count: 1248

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