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Our moment is interrupted by a banging on the window. Ash rolls his eyes as he turns to see who was disrupting us. 

" Dustin what are you doing?" He asks annoyed.  

"We have a mission boss, it's urgent." He says glancing at the two of us.  

" Okay wait for me in the office," Ash orders as he quickly climbs out of the car not even glancing back in my direction. 

He said all those things about caring about me but I couldn't help and wonder if they were true. Did he truly care about me or was I just another hookup for the one and only Ash Gordon. I prayed that wasn't the case because I was falling for this boy and I wasn't sure I could pick myself back up. 

I sigh as I make my way up to the large mansion. I dragged up the stairs to my bedroom and was just looking for some time to myself. I ended up feeling nostalgic and turned on the harry potter movies. 

But as I sat in my bed my thoughts kept wandering back to the tall, black haired boy down the hall. 

Ash POV: 

I walk towards my fathers office head held high. Dustin and I sit in the two chairs opposite of my father. 

My father always has had this dark look in his eyes that I was far too familiar with. He had been the one who made me the way I was. I listened keenly preparing myself for what the mission would be. 

" I need you to go kill the other child," My father states in his usual monotone voice. 

" Other child?" I question not fully understanding what he means. I look over at Dustin and see he is struggling to keep a look of composure at even the slight idea of killing a child. 

" I have given some thought into this. Alexia Duncan is a bitch. She does not follow orders, she talks back and she underestimates our authority. Now in the end she is still a weak, pathetic little girl. I have taught her lessons multiple times were I see just how weak she truly is. But no matter what I do she seems to have no problem falling right back into her old habits. Now usually I would murder her and trust me far more punishment is to come to the girl but it for the sake of the mafia I cannot. For the sake of the mafia she must marry you therefore, we do the next best thing. We kill her sister." 

I was shocked to say the least but no matter how much fear my father had caused me in the past this was something that couldn't stand. My jaw was closed tightly and I probably had a look that could kill in my eyes. 

" No you always said you were a man of your word. You promised Lexi that you wouldn't touch the young girl," I state standing up to my father. 

" And I will keep my word. I will not harm the child. You shall." He says with a small smirk looking proud of himself that he found a loophole. 

" I will not," I state calmly but confidently claiming my decision. 

" come again," my father states with aggression in his voice. 

" I refuse." I say standing my ground

" You see that is a privilege you do not have." His hand aggressively  contacts my face but I do not flinch. 

" This is truly disgraceful the girls been here what a mere month and you're already becoming as pathetic as she is," He chuckles with an evil smirk. 

" She's not pathetic," I say slamming my hands on the desk showing much more emotion then I intended too. 

" She's making you weak. If she's going to destroy the heir to this business then maybe it would be better if she were dead. I'll go kill her myself." He says storming out of the room. 

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