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Lexi POV:

The next day I go to school with Dustin as my chauffeur although I can tell that Ash no longer wants me going. He is being so overprotective, I roll my eyes at the thought. When I walk in to school and I don't see Reese I find it odd. I figured that his whiny ass girlfriend must have convinced him to stay away from me although I hoped that wasn't true. I figured that he was just late, so I head to my first hour.

I started to get worried when he hadn't shown up by 6th hour. I borrowed this girls phone to give him a quick phone call but no one picked up. I began to get this really anxious feeling. I tried to tell myself that he may have just been sick but I can't help but feel like something else is going on.

I ask to use the restroom middle of sixth hour and head out of the side door of the school. I start down the road that leads to Reese's house. The walk was only like 5 miles so I would easily make it back before the end of school. When I finally reach his picture perfect house I knock on the door. I expect him to open the door and for all my worries to wash away but I was sadly mistaken. No one comes to open the door and the house looks completely empty. I knock one more time before reaching under the rock where they keep their spare key.

I stick the key into the knob and jiggle it around until the door swings open.

" Hello," I yell down the seemingly empty halls.

" Reese, are you here?" I question to nothing but the air.

I knock on his bedroom door and when I have no response I swing it open. He has jerseys and trophies everywhere just like I remembered. I am getting nervous and decide to leave the vacant home. I lock the door and put the key back under the rock before making the journey back to the school before Ash got there.

I make it 10 min before the bell and dread having to go back to the dark depressing mansion. Sure it's pretty and Ash is finally coming around but it needs more color. The sunlight barely shines through the dark blinds and everything is black.

As I see Ash pull up I approach the vehicle and hop in the passengers seat.

" How was your day?" I ask slightly fidgeting with my fingers still worried about Reese.

" Fine," He says with his usual emotionless face. I get the hint that he is not in the mood to talk. So I just sit in the car quietly staring out the window letting my mind wander.

Ash rushes inside after he parks the car in his large garage. I can't keep up with his long strides and when I reach the house he is out of site. I decide to head up to my room to try and clear my head when I see Dustin walk by through the slight crack between the door and the wall.

" Dustin," I yell trying to get his attention.

" what's up Lexi?" He asks in such a casual tone.

" Do you know where Ash is?" I ask.

His face tenses up debating whether or not he should speak the truth. " In the basement."

I automatically begin to have horrible flashbacks of the things that Cole did to me and the awful scar I still have along my stomach. I quickly compose myself and ask " Why?"

" He said he had some unfinished business to attend too?" Dustin shrugs and then makes his way out of the room after I tell him "thank you"

I go through 10 million scenarios of what he could be doing down there. He knows the pain I have endured down in that horrible place why on earth would he wish to bring pain to someone else? I think these things then remind myself who he is. Ash is a ruthless leader of one of the most feared mafias in the entire world. I can't let myself forget who he truly is.

I decide that making up fake scenarios in my head wasn't going to help and that the only way for me to find out what he is doing down there is for me to go down there and check it out. I haven't been to the basement since the incident before Ash kicked his father out of the house which I was really grateful for. I think Ash cares for me he just doesn't want to show it all the time and no matter how much I don't want to admit it I love him.

I take a deep breath before quietly creeping down the stairs being careful to not make a sound. As I round the corner I gasp at what I see.

" Don't you see she is taken? Don't you understand she is mine?" Ash growls in Reese's ears.

" Yours? " I yell stepping out from my place in the shadows. " God. How could I be so stupid? These last few months I really started to care for you and this is what I get back? I am not a property. I am not a pawn to be used when you get bored. I am not a game." I spat angrily at him. " And this... you kidnapped one of the only people who has ever been there for me. This is some sick game you're playing and I am fucking tired of it. This whole time you have been messing with my mind. Acting like you're this mysterious guy thats actually good when in reality you're a fucking monster. " I yell as I untie Reese and push him up the stairs.

" Alexia. I am trying to protect you. I was trying to protect us." He says stepping closer to me after he was sure that Reese had actually left. Not without Ash surely threatening his life if he ever said a word about this.

" Bullshit. You can't control everyone around you. You had no reason to protect me. Reese is a friend.

" I saw the way he was looking at you." He explains his voice full of hatred.

I storm up the stairs, grab the keys that Ash said I could borrow as I head out to the car.

" What are you doing?" He says angrily

" Leaving." I respond as I look with a swirl of emotions threatening to explode inside of me.

" Do you have anything to say?" I question one last time hoping he has some better explanation, something that could make me forgive him.

" Fine, Leave then I never wanted you here in the first place," He states coldly

I scoff, slam the door and speed away from the mansion. Having no place to go I just drive. Ivy's foster family moved so they are now three states away so I can't go there. Reese probably never wants to see me again. So I think of one place to go. The place I haven't seen in months and that is untouched and probably filled with empty beer bottles and cigarettes. The closest thing I ever had to a family although a messed up one. The one place that will be safe. Only because he is no longer there.

The place where I took my first steps. The place that before my mom died and it became a living hell, the place I used to call home.

His Star | A mafia storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora