Wrong Girl

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Lexi's POV: 

I had come out of the bathroom and was glad when I saw that Ivy was still asleep. I fixed my hair once more looking in the mirror then quietly shut the door and headed down the stairs. 

I walk down the stairs and wait in the living area that jerk of a man had told me too

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I walk down the stairs and wait in the living area that jerk of a man had told me too. Suddenly the door rings and I see Mr. Ferrara give me a dirty look then open the door. Two body guards show up behind me and push me towards the couch gesturing me to sit down.

" Welcome Mr. Gordon" Is all I hear before four men walk into the room behind Mr. Ferrara. A  man who looked to be around my age walked in with a confident stride. As confused as I am I can't help but notice how attractive he is. His jet black hair sitting perfectly on his head. The suit makes him look important, yet he still looks like a boy behind his eyes. His face is stern and serious almost unreadable. His blue eyes scanned the room then finally landed on me. I felt shivers down my spine as it felt like he was looking into my soul. The young man who had to be around 6'4 had a very trim build. He looked as if he could kill someone with the look in his eyes. 

" This is Alexia Duncan. Did you bring me what I asked for?" Mr. Ferrara questions. 

" Yes it's right here," another man says as he pulls out a suitcase full of cash.

" Very well then, she's all yours," Mr. Ferrara responds as his two body guards pull me off the couch and push me toward the other men.

" What? You can't do this, I - I have to be here." I exclaim as I finally realize what was happening. 

" Of course I can. Especially after what you pulled last night," He smirks.

" You deserved that," I spit at him. 

He just starts to walk away with his cash and as he's leaving the room he says " I wanted to get rid of that brat of a sister's of your too. But they only wanted you." 

Ivy! What will happen to her when I'm gone? I promised I wouldn't let him touch her. How am I supposed to keep that promise when I'm being sold? 

My eyes fill with fury as I elbow one of the guards behind me in the crouch. Then as he bent down in pain I swung my fist towards his nose and broke it. I quickly take the gun from the man and shoot the other body guard in the foot. I rush up the stairs in hopes of finding Ivy and getting her the hell out of here. I throw the door open and rush in shaking Ivy out of her sleep. " Ivy, Ivy come on we got to go," I shake her urgently. Just as her eyes flutter open so does the door. I see the same four men from earlier. " Ivy Run!" I shout. She jumps out of her bed at heads towards the window struggling to get it open. 

" Come with us and this won't have to get messy," The guy from earlier states.

" It already is messy." I retort then point the gun at the guys. Unfortunately these men have a lot more training than I do. One of them shoots at me as I dodge another guy comes up and stabs me with a needle. Making everything turn black. 

Ash's POV: 

I scan the room and plan for every attack possibility and exit. Then, my eyes land on a girl sitting on the couch in a gorgeous red gown. My favorite color.  My eyes meet her gorgeous dark brown and I quickly look away. 

" This is Alexia Duncan. Now did you bring me what I asked for?" Mr. Ferrara questions me. I glance back at Dustin to annoyed to deal with to egotistical man in front of me. Dustin gives the man the suitcase full of cash as I am ready to attack at any moment incase this man tries to get away without giving us what we need. 

" Very well then, she's all yours," He says as two of his bodyguards push the young girl forward. I look at her and see it finally click. Her face turns from confusion to utter disbelief. 

" What? You can't do this! I - I have to be here!" She exclaims

I sat there annoyed. I didn't care how gorgeous this girl was, my dad had bought her to be a servant.  When my dad had bought someone they were usually weak pathetic girls whose parents wanted nothing to do with them. But this time it was different. I watch as the girl takes out both security guards and runs up the stairs. I was surprised but now annoyed because I had to go chase her down. I wanted to fight, have a challenge but I knew that wasn't how it was going to be this time. 

I sigh then start to head up the stairs after the girl Dustin and my guards not far behind. I swing the door open to see the girl shaking an even younger girl awake. With no emotion on my face I warn the girl " Come with us and this won't have to get messy" 

I was waiting for a pathetic excuse of a fight or for her to just give up and surrender but, that wasn't the case. 

" It already is messy," she retorts then grabs the gun and points it right at us. She has a look in her eye that says that she would do anything to protect the younger girl who I am assuming to be her sister. She shows that she won't hesitate to shoot so neither do I. I pull the trigger and I miss. I never miss. While she was busy dodging my bullet, Dustin rushes beside her and drugs her. The two bodyguards carry her out and put her in the back of the car. 

" Should we grab the other one?" Dustin questions, wondering about the younger girl who just slipped out the window. 

" No, we don't need a child to deal with," I answer annoyed at how long this had taken. 

I climb back in the car and glance back at the sleeping girl in the back. She looks so cute when she sleeps. No I can't be thinking like that. I focus my thoughts back towards training and getting ready to take over the mafia on the long- short drive back to the base. 

Shortly after the girl in the back wakes up. " What the hell. Let me out you can't leave her there," she complains. 

" I never said you could speak," I say while putting a cloth in her mouth.

She soon spits it out. " I never said I would listen to you" She dares glaring back at me.

" I could kill you right now." I warn as I turn around to face her.

" Maybe, but you went through all this trouble to get me here. You need me for something, so you're not gonna kill me yet," She challenges me not breaking eye contact.

I am at a loss for words which doesn't happen much. I look at her one last time then turn away from her. 

" Just letting you know you've got the wrong girl," 

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