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Ash's POV:

I must have fallen asleep which was odd since sleep is usually difficult for me to come by. Nonetheless I startled awake when I heard a faint knock on the door. I look at Lexi to see that she has still not woken up. I reach over to grab Lexi's hand, her hand feels ice cold I give it a soft squeeze. I look at the soft relaxed features on her face that I don't get to see very often. Without even realizing a small smile appears on my face.

Then the knock happens again. I get slightly annoyed at this persons lack of patience. I sigh and make my way to the door. " What" I groan,
" oh dearly sorry to wake you, Mr. Gordon. My sincerest apologies" one of the maid says setting a tray on the desk besides me then scurrying away. I smile a little just remembering how much power I hold over all these people.

" They really are terrified of you," I hear a voice behind me chuckle.

" Lexi," I whisper quickly walking to the side of her bed.

" Never thought I'd see the day where Ash Gordon is not a little prick." I smirk.

He looks slightly shocked as the words that just came out of my mouth but quickly recovers.

" I mean I could have left you for dead," He suggests jokingly.

" But you didn't" She says as if she's just now realizing that.

She looks down and starts to play with her hand avoiding eye contact with me. " Well thank you," She whispers with a sincere tone in her voice.

Emotional conversations make me feel weird. I never felt the need or really was allowed to open up about my feeling as a child so I don't feel the need to know.

I smile slightly and head out the door. " You saved my life, why?" she asks as I go to stand up.

" I don't know" I shrug obviously not wanting to speak on the subject. I did know. I knew that I couldn't live with myself if she dies. If I had left her there.

" I mean you're a mafia boss, you kill people not save them." She explains obviously annoyed with my vague responses.

" Can't you just drop it," I say through gritted teeth.

" No no I can't. I'm curious you are Ash Gordon you don't just go around saving peoples lives for no reason," She states her voice slowly getting louder the more she talks.

" What do you want me to say? You entrance me Lexi. You make me feel things Ive never felt before. That I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had left you there to die and I don't know why and it drives me insane that I can't get you out of my head." I spill.

She just stares at me for a while then a small smile appears on her face. I could tell she wants to say something but I have no desire to hear what it is. To clear my mind off of things I decide to head down to headquarters.

Lexi's POV:

What the fuck just happened?

Did Ash Gordon just say that he thinks about me all the time? Now sure Ash is hot, you would have to be blind to not be able to see that. He's got the height, the hair, the bod everything but I am here against my will.

Sure it would be great if my future husband loved and adored me. If he would save me and sacrifice the world for me instead of the other way around. But that is only heard of in stories and I know that my life is no fairytale.

I thought about this new feeling I got when he was around though, it felt.... nice. I wasn't used to this feeling but I think I could get used to it.

I stay in my room basically all day just to try and sort out my feelings which we'll say did not go as planned. After hours of time to think I was right back in the place I started lost and confused.

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