Stay Away From Him

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Ash POV:

" Hey princess get some rest okay," I say looking in to her perfect eyes.

" Thank you," Lex whispers

A few days pass and Lexi seems to be feeling much better but the guilt of letting her be hurt in the first place still haunts me.

I head down to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast before work. I smell the most wonderful smells of bacon, pancakes, strawberry's.

" What is this?" I asked surprised seeing Lex setting the table.

" Well you've been so much help the last couple of days so I just wanted to do something sweet for you." She smiles shyly.

I follow her as she walks into the counter to grab the syrup for the pancakes. I reach my hand and tickle her around the waist. She lets out a small giggle before I turn her around and set her on the cleared off space on the counter. I kiss her softly while she plays with my hair.

We are focused on each other, I am loving her touch, her eyes, her smile. I almost don't even realize when I begin to smell smoke, suddenly Lexie jumps down off of the counter and is taking the now burnt pancakes off the stove.

We look at each other, trying to hold in our laughs but it's somehow impossible.

" Come on, I want to show you something." I grab her hand and lead her around to the back of the house.

" Where are we going?" She asks once we reach the forest.

" You'll see,"

" Your not going to kill me right? You know in the woods away from everyone it's kind of creepy," she jokes.

I know she's joking but a part deep inside of me still worries that she's scared of me. I hope not.

" No just be patient," I tell her. " Here we are," I say pushing some branches from overgrown bushes out of the way to make a small path for us to walk through.

I watch her face carefully as I see her eyes light up and her jaw drop.

" Wow what is this place?" She asks astonished by the tall trees and waterfall surrounding us, with a small treehouse hidden in the trees.

" Follow me," I say my eyes meeting her's as I reach back to grab her hand and pull her through the overgrown bushes surrounding the beautiful waterfall.

Red and white flowers are scattered along the forest floor as I turn around to see the look of astonishment on Lexis face.

" This is gorgeous, what is this place," Lexi asks with curiosity.

" it's our getaway," I respond as I climb to take her up the treehouse.

We sit and talk and before we know it we are watching the sunset while we splash in the waterfall together.

We decide to head back shortly after and I feel closer to Lexi than ever before. I'm not a huge fan of the dating game but it's different with Lexi. I would go to the end of the world for her.

Lexis POV:
" I start school again next week," I tell Ash as we sit down at the dinner table. His face doesn't seem pleased with this news.

" Okay, if that's what you want. But come home straight afterwards it's dangerous enough for you to be their without any guards during school hours let alone afterwards." I nod my head actually excited to be start my last semester of school before I hopefully head off to college. That's if Ash lets me. I have a feeling he will, he has become much more open lately and he took me to that beautiful waterfall, so that has to mean something right?

The next morning I felt more energized then normal. I felt like I had a plan a purpose again. I didn't have to sit in this room for hours on end with never dying boredom. I changed into my clothes when I realized I didn't have anything to bring with me. Suddenly Mare walks in with a black backpack full with all different supplies.

"I figured you would need some new things." She smiles as she hands me the bag.

" Thank you," I reply genuinely.

I head out the door when I am almost run over by Dustin speeding up beside me.

" Lexi! Climb on in!" He shouts while waving me towards the front seat of the mustang.

" Why are you taking me? You know I can drive right?" I tell him with a scoff.

" Boss's orders," He shrugs. " Ever since you got here I have been demoted from the boss's right hand man to the babysitter." He jokes rolling my eyes at me.

" Just drop me off right here," I say as we pull up to the doors near the main gym. I get slightly nervous as I hop out of the car and walk towards the school I never thought I would see again. I take a deep breath  before I push the door open. Everything still looks the same but I feel very different.

I open my locker, when I hear someone call my name from behind me.

" Reese," I say barely more then a whisper when I see the blond haired blue eyed boy looking right at me.

I rush towards him my arms open for a hug. He picks me up and spins me around while my arms are wrapped behind his neck.

" I thought I'd never see you again," He said.

" Suprise!" I whisper-shout,

Just then a short black haired girl walks up to Reese causing our hug to break.

" Whose this?" She asks with a fake ass smile.

" Ellie this is Lexi, Lex this is Ellie," Reese introduces until the short girl sends him a sharp look. " my girlfriend," he continues.

" Well nice to meet you," I smile at Ellie.

" Hmm well we should get going babe." Ellie rushes as she sends me a dirty look. On her tiptoes she tries to kiss Reese's cheek but he still has to bend over. I chuckle a little at the site which causes her to send me another glare.

" okay, Lexi you should come to the game tonight." Reese invites with an apologetic look on his face.

" Sounds good I'll be there."

The day goes by fairly quick as I am not used to having a set schedule anymore.  Lunch I eat by myself because Reese and I don't have the same lunch shift but I find him over by the baseball fields before the game starts.

" I'm glad you could make it," He says.

" Me too," I smile.

" We should go do something this weekend. The old arcade we used to go to is still open. Ya know catch up." He asks.

" Would your girlfriend like that?" I ask jokingly.

" Hmm... she'll get over it." He laughs.

" Okay I'll be there." I smile.

" Great,"

But then I see Ash's car pull up. Shit.

"I got to go" I say giving Reese one last quick hug before heading over to where Ash's car was parked scared for the reaction once I entered.

" Who was that?" He asks his eyes burning into Reese's soul.

" Oh that's Reese he's an old friend." I tell him because there is nothing to worry about. He doesn't even glance in my direction. Until the end of the ride when we are about to exit the car he says " Stay away from him."

A/N: Apologies for the long time since posting. These last few months have been absolutely crazy. So my apologies.

Word Count: 1263

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