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" Whats wrong Lexi?" He asks urgently yet trying to cover up the worried sound in his voice.

" I have to go see Ivy." I tell him.

I can see he wants to comfort me but he holds back because he knows he shouldn't. " You know you can't do that,"

" Well, I don't care I'm going," I sigh. "I can't let you do that." he orders grabbing my wrist so that I face him again.

" Why not?" I question all though I know the answer. " If Harley was taken away from you wouldn't you need to go see her?"

" Lexi it's not that simple."

" But it is all you have to do is let me leave." I exclaim.

" If Kol found out my ass would be on the line and you'd be lucky to not end up dead." He explains through gritted teeth.

" I know I've thought about that but he threatened Ivy! I can't just sit around and do nothing." At this point anger is boiling through me.

" Dammit Ash do the right thing for once," I plead.

" Fine. But I'm coming with you."

We end up taking one of Ash's many many cars. The sun was starting to set and the drive felt like it had taken years.

" when did he threaten her," he asks with no emotion.

" Uh after training a few hours I guess"

" Id prepare myself wouldn't be too surprised if she's not already dead," he says emotionless yet again.

" You know if you were just going to be a prick the entire time I don't even know why you came."

" I came to make sure you didn't get killed." He states aggressively.

" Well I've survived this long I'm pretty sure I don't need you as a body guard." I snap back.

" You are ridiculous. I let you leave the house. I went out or my way to make sure you were safe."

I scoff " you let me leave the house. What are you my dad?" I say slamming the door as I climb out of the car walking towards the long driveway of the house where Ivy is staying.

His face is composed with little to no emotion on it. I begin to head towards the door when I see Ash out of the corner of my eye walking around to the side of the house.

" Where are you going?" I question.

" We aren't allowed here, we can't just walk in through the front door." He states like it was obvious.

I sigh then follow him to the side of the house.

I see a back door. I glance into the large basement and it seems like no one is down there. I wiggle the doorknob. Locked.

I sigh then grab a bobby-pin out of my hair. I twist it in the lock moving it around until I hear a click.

I turn the knob and walk into the large basement.

I glance back at Ash to see him nod and I could tell he was slightly surprised and impressed at the quickness that I could pick the lock.

I silently head up the stairs to be met with a large living room and another set of stairs with silver railings. I head up the stairs only to see the hall is covered in doors.

This could take forever I thought to myself. But surprisingly I only had to open 3 thankfully empty bedrooms before I stumbled upon my sisters.

" Ivy" I whisper. Feeling a rush of emotions flood through me like a hurricane. 

She was sitting on her bed when she spins her head towards me. 

" Lexi" She yells as she jumps off of the bed and comes running towards me. We hug, we talk, we laugh we have a great reunion and for a minute I completely forgot about Ash, about being engaged or abused. All that mattered right now was Ivy. 

" We have to go," Ash says looking away from me. 

" You can't go with him. He - he's the one that took you away from me? Does he hurt you to?" I feel embarrassment rush over me as I was not going to let Ash know about my past but it looks like Ivy doesn't care if she lets it slip. 

" I'm okay. I promise" I say kissing her forehead before turning away to follow Ash out the door. 

The car ride is silent for a while. I look over to see Ash looking pissed with his jaw clenched tightly. " Ash are you alright?" I question carefully afraid he's going to explode at any moment. 

" I'm fine," he mumbled under his breath but I knew that was far from the truth. 

" Ash you can tell me what's going on," I tell him trying to get him to open up to me a tad more. 

" He fucking hurt you," He states under his breath. 

I was confused as to whom he was talking about. " Ash. Just don't worry about it okay," I say trying to sooth him. Also totally surprised that my pain was the reason for his sour mood. 

" I can't." he whispers as is he's ashamed about the fact " No matter how hard I try I can't. I wanted to kill my father the second I found out he laid hands on you. I wanted to kill him and make him suffer for it." He explains using more emotion in his voice then I have ever heard from him before. 

I smiled not only because of what he said but also the fact that he had admitted it in the first place. I knew this must have been difficult for him to do. 

I was sort of speechless. I just gazed into his eyes like they were the only thing that mattered. I hadn't even realized when the car had stopped which must have been a while ago. 

Before I know it Ash is looking at me with lust written all over his face. He gently grabbed my face with two fingers to make sure I was facing him. My heart raced as he drew me closer. I look deep into his ocean-like eyes before allowing mine to softly close. It seemed like years had passed before his soft lips had found their way to mine. As our lips connected it sent shivers down my spine as I tangled my hands in his dark black hair. As our kiss deepened is when something finally clicked. I am falling in love with Ash Gordon.  At this moment in time nothing else mattered. The world stood still as if waiting for our love story to unravel. All that mattered was him as he pulled me closer and I gasped for air. I took in a deep breath as our eyes reconnected. I was swimming in the depths of his eyes, and I was afraid that I might never resurface. 

A/N: Shorter chapter I apologize for that but hope the kiss scene makes up for it :)  

Word Count: 1200

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