Nothing to Worry About

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Lexis POV: 

" Go train," He orders Ash and then drags me down to the basement. 

" You made a deal. But, you still need to be taught how to behave, you ungrateful little brat," He yells angriliy then smacks me really hard in the face. 

I didn't want them to hurt Ivy so I would behave that was the deal. I felt that this was just unnecessary.

" I - I understand," I respond not meeting his eyes.

" Good but just to make sure," he drags me over to the chains and chain me up to the wall. He had an evil smirk on his face then states " You can be a real asset once you learn who you should be listening too. So to make you learn faster, let's hope that this teaches you a lesson."

He goes over and grabs a bat off the rack in one hand and picks up a knife in the other. He lets the knife fall on the floor.  He starts to beat me with the bat and I try to move until I remember I'm chained up. I see the knife and reach my hand out to grab it. Man this guy is stupid and blind. I can feel myself bleeding and bruising from each hit. From my torso to my legs. I take an open opportunity to stab Kol in the leg. He grabs onto his leg and stumbles back a bit. 

" You Bitch!" He yells taking the knife out of his leg. He throws the knife at me and it hits right in my stomach. He walks up the stairs with no care about the dying girl right behind him. 

Ash's POV

Lexi hadn't come to dinner last night which I thought was odd since my father had been requiring it. I woke up this morning and just had the urge to check up on her. I went to her room and knocked on the door. No answer. 

" Lexi" I call through the door. No answer. 

I eventually just open the door to see that she's not in there. I rush downstairs to see my mom in the kitchen not even realizing that my dad was in the room. " Hey, have you seen Lexi?" I ask trying to hide the sense of urgency in my voice. 

" That little bitch is paying for her crimes," My father answers. 

I feel anger overflowing my body. He cannot hurt her. I turn to rush down the stairs not even caring that my father would be pissed at what I was about to do. I know how to fight just as well as he does. He's an old man I swear if he lands one hand on her.

The second I get down the stairs I scan the room for Lexi. I see her fighting to stay awake with blood and bruises all across her body. 

I begin to unchain her and her wrists are now red and raw from where the chains used to be. I carry the girl surprised at how light she was back to her bedroom careful to not touch any serious injuries. I lay her on the bed and begin to look over her injuries. I realize that not all of these injuries are recent. Some scars are old but still very prominent on her skin. 

She looked to be stabbed so I go to grab the first aid kit. I grab a towel and begin adding pressure to the wound so that the blood will stop. At this pressure Lexi's eyes slightly flutter open. 

She tries to sit up but I hold her back not saying a word. " Ash" she whispers. " Thank you" 

I give her a nod not quite sure what to say about the sudden gratitude. 

After about 10 minutes I begin to dress the wound. Lexi looks to be asleep so I grab the first aid kit and leave the room quietly trying not to wake her up. 

I walk out to meet Dustin creeping out in the hallway. " So you do have a heart," he jokes. 

I glare at him and walk off without a word. 

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