Chapter 18:We won the Battle..but lost our Duaghter

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"Attack!! Attack!!" Stepehn kept screaming at his gaurds. Although half of his army was already being taken down by a certian Hunter with a gun and someone else's ink attack.

"No one takes out guards like Gaston!" He said as he kept shooting at everyone.

"Enough with the cocky additude lad, you could be killed if your not careful!" Davey Jones warned him.

"He's right! Keep fighting them off!!" Jafar screamed as he atttacked the gaurds with his staff.

"If the three of you would stop fighting, we might actually get some work done!!"Hades called out as he used his fire to attack. While all of them were busy bickering and fighting off gaurds. Mal was doing her best to fight off Stephen.

"You know Maleficent, I really do believe things couldve worked out between us." Stepehn said with a purr.

Mal juat glared at him and kept fighting.

"Shut your mouth! It's your fault that we couldn't be together and im glad you let me go! Because now I have a man that loves me and a beautiful daughter to show for it."

Stepehn wanted to laugh in her face, but in the distance he could see Mal's daughter arriving with her group of friends.

"Speaking of your daughter Maleficent, she's about to walk onto a battle feild."

Looking behind her, Mal saw her little girl standing there with Pain and Panic while her aunts ran to her uncle's sides to accompany them in battle. Thinking fast, Mal used her magic to transfer herself to her daughter's side.

"Good job at finding your aunt's my love, but it isn't safe for you here."

"But mommy, I want to help too"

"Do as your told young lady! Me and your father don't want to lose you."

Not wanting to agree with her mother's demands, Lucinda calm down her flames and nodded.

"Thank you my love" Mal said before kissing her daughter's cheek.

"Both of you watch after her and get her to a safe place!" With that said Maleficent left to join the others in battle. Both pain and panic took Lucinda's hands and used there wings to fly up to a nearby cliff.

"Woah check it out! Front row seats" Panic said happily.

"This is gonna be the best fight of the year!!"

While her friends watched the fight in happiness. Lucinda sat at the edge of the cliff worried to death about her parents.

She watched as punches were thrown, guns went off, swords playing against each other green and red swarms of magic swirled around everything and Balls of Fire being made one after another. Eventually all of the gaurds gave up and ran away from the moors. Leaving behind a very pissed off King Stephen and a worn out, heavily breathing villians tired from battle.

"They did it Lucinda!! They did it!!" Said Pain and Panic jumping up and down with joy. Reminding herself not to get to excited yet, Lucinda just smiled and continued to watch what what would happen next.

"Your outnumbered Stephen! It would be wise to just leave" Jafar threatened.

"And don't come back! Or next time we wont just let you walk away" Cruela added.

Although Stephen wanted to continue fighting he knew that he would die taking on all of them on his own.

So with a glare, he slowly began to walk away from the scene. But once he came close to the cliff he stopped and stared at Lucinda. Who just gave him a straight face, before leaving her site Stephen gave her an evil smile and walked away.

"That was weird" she whispered to herself, she continued watching Stephen until he was gone for good.

"Lucinda! It's all over baby you can come down now!" Hades called to her. Listening to her father, Lucinda let pain and panic climb down first. And she slowly began to fallow.

"Becareful lass, don't look down" said Davey Jones.

"All of you worry to much, let her have a little fun." Said Jafar twirling his beard.

Now that she was close to the bottom Lucinda was was ready to do a jump off amd run to her parents. But suddenly she felt a very strong pain in her chest! It hurt so bad that it actually knocked the wind out of her and brought tears to her eyes. Next thing she knew, everything around her stopped and it all went pitch black...

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