Chapter 3: Mal's new look and Ursula's Idea

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(A/N: This story has references to the live action Maleficent movie. And no references of Decedents will be used.Both are great but this is my Version.)

*At the Evil Queens Castle*

"Mirror Mirror on the wall, show us our friend give us your all!"

Once the spell was cast, the mirror revealed a different, but Better looking Maleficent!

He dark hair was straight and fell gracefully down her back. Her lips were full and were a beautiful shade of dark red. Her body was somewhat slimmer, even with her baby bump. And her once sickly green skin was a creamy pale color.

"She looks... amazing" Said Gaston with his jaw dropped. Earning Jealous glares from both Cruela and Hades.

"She must have changed her appreince, to fit in with her new home" Said the Evil Queen.

"So whats the plan?" asked Hades.

Everyone looked at him, suprised that he didn't have a plan already.

"What? Its not like I can just show up there like this, she'll be to pissed to even talk to me."

"True.. But what if you didnt look like yourself?" said Ursula in a hinting voice.

"What do you mean love? How can Hades not be Hades? It's impossible" said Davey Jones.

Ursula had to keep herself from rolling her eyes at him, "You all forget, that I have the ability to change my appearance with my magic. I'll be able to do the same for Hades."

"That's great! That's brilliant!!" Hades said as happy blue flames surrounded him.

"Grimhilde, may I use some of your ingredients to cast my spell?" Ursula asked.

With a shrug and sigh the Evil Queen said,

"Sure, if you must."

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