Chapter 13:Cute Swimming Lessons

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*Year 2 Age:2*

"Lucinda slow down!! Mommy won't be able to catch you if you fall" Maleficent called after her daughter. Who was now very advanced at walking fast.

Keeping up behind them im a form of a wolf was Diaval(Hades) who couldn't believe that his baby girl was now 2 years old. Her hair was much longer now and fell down her back. With a small braid on the right side of her head, pulled back with a purple righnstone dragon hair clip, that Mal had made her for her.

Turning into his human form, Diaval(Hades) picked up his daughter and waited for Mal to catch up.

"Finally! Thank god for you Diaval." Said mal as she sat on a nearby tree completely out of breathe.

Diaval(Hades) shook his head playfully at his daughter. "See that Lucinda, you tired out your poor mommy."

With a worried look Lucinda climbed down from his arms and ran to her mothers side.

"I sowwy mommy" she said as she wrapped her arms around Mal's waist.

Mal smiled and pulled her daughter close to her and kissed her. "Its okay, I love you so much."

Kissing her mothet back, Lucinda ran back over to Diaval(Hades) "Go walk?" She asked pointing to a nearby path.

He got on his knees to be at eye level with her. "You may go for a walk, but stay close and don't get lost."

Nodding,Lucinda kissed his lips and said "Bye Bye Dada."

Both Mal and Diaval(Hades) stood there in complete shock, they definitely didn't see that one coming. Akwardly turning around to face her he asked "Was that strange for you too Mistress?"

Mal nodded, "Quite but we cant change how she thinks. You are like a father to her Diaval."

Smirking He asked, "Do you..condisider us a couple? And the there of us a family?"

But instead of answering, Mal layed down and truned on her side. "No tough questions right now Diaval, Im to tired."

Letting her sleep, Diaval(Hades) layed her head on hia lap so shed be more comfortable. For. while he just sat there watching the love of his life sleep, but for some odd reason he began to dose off too.

And he began to dream of what life would be like for the three of them if they ever lived together in the underworld.

Lucinda contiued to walk down the path as fast as her little legs would carry her. Eventually she stopped at a nearby lake and began throwing colorful stones in it.

Suddenly a pair of green and purple tenticles shot out of the dark water.

Seeing this made the little girl scream and fall back in fear. She held back another scream as two octopus looking creatures rose up to greet her. One was a chubby woman with light purple skin, white spiked up hair, red lips, purple tenticles and a golden seashell necklace around her neck.

The other was a man, he wore a pirate hat, had green slimey skin. And a beard full of tenticles on his face.

"Hello there my sweet, don't be afriad we wknt hurt you" Cooed Ursula.

Which must have worked because Lucinda sat up and walked over to the edge of the lake.

"Aye lass, dont worry" said Davey Jones holding out his hand.

Believe the words of the kind creatures, Lucinda stopped being stiff and gave the two of them an adorable smile.

"Aww your so cute! I could just eat you up" Ursula said as she took Lucinda's cheeks into her red nailpoilshed hands.

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