Chapter 10:We have to see them again

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At The Evil Queen's Castle*

"What do you mean their not coming back?!" Cruela practically screamed.

"I know it sounds crazy, but thats what he said." Said Jafar, who remained calm while everyone else began to freak out.

"Well that was a waste of good magic, he can't possibly think Mal wont find out his secret later on" Said Ursula, who was more than aggravated.

"Aye, I dont know what's going through the lads brain, but he can't stop up his fake disguise forever" Said Davey Jones.

"Did you see the baby??" Gaston asked trying to brake the tension, but could feel daggers in his back as he looked up at Jafar.

"Yes I did, she looks alot like her mother. But has many of her father's features as well, I would hate to see the poor girl heart broken by her father later on."

"It's not just a broken hearted little girl we have to worry about Jafar.. it's what lys ahead that calls out for our concern" Said the Evil Queen.

"Huh?!" said all the Villains.

"From what the mirror has predicted, Facillier has teamed up with King Stephen. They plan on harming Mal's Daughter!"

"Who the hell do they think they are?!" Snapped Ursula.

"How dare they even try to attempt it!!" Growled Jafar.

"They be making a big mistake they are" Said Davey Jones.

"They're not laying a single finger on my niece or her mother" said Gaston with a sneer.

"Everyone calm down, look its a long way trip from new Orleans to the moors. And with the way that these two idiot's do things and argue about everything. It willost likely take them 4 years to get there.

So until that 4 years comes around, I suggest that all of us keep a watchful eye on our girls." Said the Evil Queen.

"And how do you suggest we do that my dear?" Jafar asked.

"Simple, each of us will pay a visit to Mal's daughter, so later on she'll trust us and know we're there to help."

Even though the group knew this plan was risky, they all agreed that they would be the aunts and uncles until the 4 years came.

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