Chapter 12: Meeting Cruella and Gaston

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*Year 1 Age:1*

Mal looked down with tears of Joy at her now one year old daughter.

To celebrate her big day Mal dressed Lucinda in a beautiful black and purple dress and pulled back her slightly longer hair into a cute ponytail.

"Beautiful, nothing in this whole world is more beautiful than you are my love...If only your father knew how beautiful and happy your really are..." but just as Mal said that Diaval(Hades) came flying down twards them with something shiney hanging from his beak.

Mal couldn't help but smile as Lucinda bounced happily in her lap, once she saw the bird.

"Happy birthday Lucinda" he said as he turned into his human form. "I made this for you" He said as he held out a small black thread with a beautiful blue diamond stone in the shape of a heart at the end.

"Such a lovely gift" Said Mal in a somewhat jealous voice as she puy the necklace on her daughter.

"Can you believe she's already one mistress? They sure do grow up fast."

Mal nodded but kept a straight face,"Yes it's amazing, makes me feel slightly old though" she said as she looked down at her nails.

But nearly gasped as his cold boney hands cupped hers. "No Mistress, you dont look any older at all. You're still as beautiful as you were the first time I saw you."

Mal could feel her heart racing as she looked into his eyes. She could see that he ment what he said. Every ounce of her wanted to lean in and taste his lips, but something was holding her back...she quickly looked away.

"That's enough Diaval..I know you have feelings for me and I wish I could return them. But I still have a place in my heart for Lucinda's father."

If it weren't for the fact that Mal was looking down, she would've saw Diavals eyes glow bright blue with excitement. And his mouth now turned up right into a big smile! Right then and there he wanted to revel who he really was. But quickly stopped and realized that it was just too soon, and decided to carm her some more.

"Dont you think that he'd want you to be happy Mistress?" He asked as he lifted up her chin to look into her gourges green eyes. It pained him to see all the hurt and suffering in them, he had nearly forgotten about everything he had put her through.

Mal sighed and layed her head on his shoulder.

"Im not certain anymore, I just want to stop going through so much pain."

To comfort her Diaval(Hades) stroked her hair and boldly layed a small kiss on her forhead. He swore that he would make her suffer no longer.


While her mother and birdy friend were busy talking, Lucinda had managed to crawl deeper into the soft feild of soft and coloeful flowers. She continued to crawl until she bumped into a tall man dressed in red and yellow, with black pants and brown boots. He had black hair tied back into a low ponytail and was carrying an old looking hunting gun. Kneeling down the mam smiled at her and said, "Hello there little one im your uncle Gaston."

Lucinda just looked up at him with confused eyes, but quickly snapped up, once she heard another voice coming from behind them.

"Gaston! Why did you go so far without me?!" A somewhat crackly voice asked.

Lucinda saw that it was a lady! A pale lady with black and white hair, one color on each side. And she was dressed in a black dress, red heals, red gloves, a big puffy fur coat.

"Oh my goodness you found her! How marvelous" Cruela said as she gave Gaston's shoulder a playful squeeze.

"Not so loud darling, we dont want to frighten her" Said Gaston in a serious voice.

"Oh nonsense, watch this" Cruela got on her knees and and held her arms out.

"Come to your aunty Cruela darling." Hesitantly Lucinda crawled into the strange ladies arms and her carry her.

"Just look at her Gaston, she's cuter than all the puppies ive made coats out of."

"I can relate, I am the greatest Hunter in the whole world you know." Said Gaston holding up his gun.

For a while the two of them took turns carrying the baby girl and talking about how great they were.

Until they heard a cawing of a bird, no doubt looking for the little girl.

"Go on now Sweetie, your daddy is looking for you." Cruela said as she put her down.

With a wave goodbye, the couple watched as the happy little girl crawled after her father.

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