Chapter 6:Like Father like Daughter

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Hades (Diaval) could feel himself burning up inside with rage. He was the lord of the dead for gods sake! He wasn't used to taking orders from anyone, especially woman. Even if this woman before him was the love of his life. But while he was burning up inside he noticed that little Lucinda was also absorbing his anger!

Her once blue tips were now glowing red and her eyes were staring at him with a zombie like redish glow.

"Lucinda stop that!" Mal said as she used her magic to calm down her daughter.

"I swear you inherited that temper of yours from your father."

Not caring if she saw, Hades (Diaval) let a small smile form on his lips. It felt good to know that Mal still thought of him.

But getting back to the point, Hades (Diaval) got her attention with his animal changing abilities. At first he could tell that wasn't exactly impressed, because she could probably change him into whatever ahe wanted with her staff. But when he turned into a Raven and gently landed on Mal's scepter. He noticed that Lucinda was smiling and reaching out to touch the "Pretty bird".

To show her how to touch it without hurting it,Mal took her daughter's small hand and helped her gently stroke the soft Ravens feathers.

Hades(Diaval) cawed out happily, for such little hands Lucinda's touch was loving and tender.

"Well you seem to make my daughter happy, and with your abilities to form into different types of animals, I'll have different tasks for you. Your welcome to stay here in the moors with us."

With that said Haded(Diaval) changed back into his human form, carried Lucinda in his arms and fallowed Mal to her thrown.

So far everything was working out great!

Death's Beautiful ChildTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon