Chapter 16:A Bond with her Father

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"...You!" Facilier growled.

"Yeah its me..its been me the whole time" Hades said in his normal voice.He looked over at Mal who had a look of complete shock on her face.

"Im sorry babe, but I thought it was the only way that you would accept me."

"Wait... someone fill me in. How the hell did he get like this?!" Facilier asked.

All at once, all of the villians began to answer him. The more they talked, the more Hades could feel himself feeling overwhelmed by the whole situation.All he could focus on was Mal, and Lucinda who also couldn't believe her eyes either.

Soon it all caved in, and he could feel himself starting to overheat!

"Thats it!! I cant take this anymore!" he screamed before storming off into the moors to cool down.

While everyone else argued, Lucinda noticed Hades disspaerance.Jumping from her mother's lap, she picked up the broken pendant and ran after him.

"Lucinda?Where are you going?! Lucinda!" Mal screamed as she watched her daughter run away. Maleficent was about to run after her, when someone grabbed her by her waist.

"Let her go darlin, let her be with her father. You and I can always have another daughter of our own." Facilier said before traling sloppy kisses down Mal's neck. Not being able to stand the stench of his breath, or the feeling of the kisses. Mal hit him hard in the rib cage with her elbow, causing him to let go.

"Everyone spread out and look for Lucinda or any other threats to the moors! Now!!" Mal screamed as she watched all the other villians do as she said. Once they were all gone, she turned to face Facilier once again. "I don't know how you found me, and I don't know what you plan to do next. But what I do know is that I will never have feelings for you for as long as I live! So leave me alone or I will not hesitate to kill you!" With that said Mal walked away from him,with nothing else on her mind but her daughters saftey. Facilier on the other hand stormed through the moors looking for Stephen, knowing now what he must do to ease her pain.

Despite the calls that she heard from her mother, and knowing that it was wrong to disobey her. Lucinda couldn't help but run after this new person that her father was.

She couldn't quite explain to herself why she felt so drawn to him. But her heart told her to keep going after him.

When she finally found him, he was in the same spot that she had first met him at 5 months old. Now that he was in her view, she began to study his new form.

His deadly grey skin, his long black robes, his sharp teeth, and his flameing dark blue fire hair. The more she got closer to him, the more Lucinda could feel a firey sensation heating up inside of her. When she looked down at her pigtails she noticed the tips were glowing the same shade of blue. At the moment he didn't notice her because he was leaning against a tree lost in thought. Without thinking, Lucinda clutched the necklace in her hand and took slow baby steps twards him.

Hearing footsteps coming twards him, Hades baled his fists ready to strike! But once he saw who it was, he quickly stopped himself. "Oh my gosh Lucy, you scared me half to death...well I mean to late for that" he said with a slight laugh.

She laughed along with him,and held up the necklace. "I uh.. thought you'd might want this back." Touched by this kind gesture, and so thankful that she wasn't afraid of him. Hades reached out to take it, once his grey boney finger lightly brushed over her hand. Something strange and amazing happened! The blue fire in both of their hair, began to glow bigger and brighter! It was as if the bond that they had between them, made his power stronger.

" complete me."

He said with so much love in his voice, that it brought tears to her now glowing electric blue eyes. Quickly pulling away, Lucinda threw herself into her fathers arms.

"Lucinda.. why did you fallow me? Ive been lieing to you practically your whole life about who I was."

Lucinda shook her head at him, and held onto him tighter. "You didn't lie to me Daddy, even when you were Daddy Diaval, I could sense your flames and had a feeling of who you really were. I don't care what you look like! Your still my daddy." With that said, she placed a small kiss on his cheek, not careing how cold and boney it felt.

Not holding back anymore, Hades let his happy tears fall and held his daughter as tight as he could.

"Thank you Lu-Lu, Thank you so much. I love you baby girl."

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