Chapter 2:You can't love her like I can

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Once the note was read, all of the female vilians looked at each other with worried looks. The guys looked over at Hades and Facilier who were both very, and i mean VERY! Pissed off.

"Sooooooo.. let me get this straight, Maleficent has disappeared to this so called moors place. And has taken my unborn daughter with her?!" Hades practically shouted.

"Not to mention all of the presents we got for her as well" said The Evil Queen picking up left over wrapping paper.

At this point Hades could feel his blood boiling and he was literally seeing red.He was ready to blow!!

"Calm down!! Before any of you have another melt down, I believe the best thing to do would be to make a plan to find maleficent and the baby!" Said Cruela surprisingly everyone in the room.

"This is so unlike her" whisperd Ursula to Jafar.

"Stay out of this DeVille! This has nothing to do with you!" Snapped Facillier rasing his staff. But before he could even think about hitting her, Gaston pulled her into his muscular arms and the everyone else gathered around to protect her.

"Back off Doc, the lady with the fur makes a good point" said Hades.

"My dear, you helped us find Mal once before. Do you think you can do it again?" Asked Jafar to the Evil Queen.

She smirked happily at his words.

"Come my frightful fiends, we will find her. Fallow me to my castle."

With that said, Ursula, Cruela, Gaston, Davey Jones, Jafar and Hades walked out of Mals castle.

"Well the rest of you can go on with your so called plan if you must. But Im not gonna have no part of this!" Said Faciller with his back turned twards them.

When he was sure everyone else had gone ahead, Hades turned back twards his foe.

"Fine, Fine,Fine. We can handle this ourselves, you can just stay here and play with your little dolls for all I care! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a family to find.

..Oh and one more thing Doc, You never had a chance with her! Your not capable of loving her like I can." When he was threw Hades scurried off to catch up with the others.

But what he didn't know was that he made Facillier so mad with that statement. That he took his fist, and smashed it against the stone wall causing it to bleed.

"I'll show you, You fucking demon!" He said through gritted teeth.

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