Chapter 4:From God of Death to Diaval

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Ursula grabbed a jar of raven feathers, 4 leaf clovers luck. Blood of a warrior for Strength and a few other things.When all the ingredients were put into the culdran and stirred,Ursula called Hades over to it.

"Alright give me all you got" Hades said with his eyes closed, but opened them again to find a serious looking sea witch infront of him.

"My services dont come cheap you know, you can't get something for nothing."

Hades along with everyone else let out an annoyed groan.

"What's your price? Wait let me guess my soul or my voice right?" He asked.

Ursula shook her head at him, "Im not asking much.All I want from you is for you to bring Mal and your baby girl back home safely, You got that?!" Before he could answer both Cruela and the Evil Queen joined in. "GOT THAT?!"

"Yes, Yes, I get it! And I promise to bring them back. Now can I change please?!" Hades asked getting angry once again.

With the wave of her hands, Ursula chanted a magic spell. And a glowing purple light flashed over Hades transforming him right before their eyes!

Once the transformation was done, everyone was speechless.

Haded was now a magical human being. No longer was his skin grey, it was almost as plae as Mals and he was alot slimmer. Dressed all in black, with slicked back black hair, no longer with blue flames.

"Wow, you should see yourself look..well.. handsome" Said Davey Jones trying his best not to sound gay.

Wanting to see for himself, Hades looked down at his new reflection in the cauldron. All it took was one look to make him jump back in total shock!

"Is that really me?!" But once he asked that he noticed his voice had changed too.

"Ooooh his face is soft and velvety just like this amazing fur coat" Said Cruela.

"Okay Ursula now that he's transformed whats the next phase of the plan?" Asked the evil Queen.

Before she could answer, Jafar stepped in and made a magical pendent appear using his staff.

"Here, this raven pendent will give you the ability to turn into a Raven or any other aniamal whenever you please. Wich will give you a better disgue and the ability to fly.

Taking it in his hands, Hades nodded and tried not to look uncomfortable in his new form.

"And just to play it safe, I would recommend not cracking any puns. Or getting overly angry" Said Ursula.

"No problem, Now if you'll excuse me I have a family to find. And by the looks of it it may just take me a good 5 months to get there." Said Hadez as he began to walk out of the castle.

"Aww by then the baby will be born!!" Said Gaston in an almost mocking voice while fluttering his eyelashes.

"Now is not the time darling" said Cruela through gritted teeth at her cocky boyfriend.

None of the other vilians were paying attention, they were all to busy giving a mix of sympathetic and serious looks twards Hades.

"I'll bring her back you guys, I promise" with a quick wave goodbye he changed into his raven form. Flapping his wings Hades set off into the world to find...what he hoped would soon be his new family.

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