Chapter 5:Lucinda

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*5 Months Later*

Far and wide, Hades sereached for his girls in the endless thorny dark moors. But he had no luck, soon 5 months had passed and even though he wasn't much of a god anymore. He could still feel the burning of his flameing anger consume the insides of his body. To cool himself off, Hades spotted a nearby pond and flew twards it. Changing into his human form, he squatted down on his knees and looked at his reflection in the water.

"I wonder how much longer ill have to stay like this" he mumbled to himself, before cupping his hands to get some water. Splashing some on his face, he sighed in delight as the water cooled him off.

He was so busy repeating this over and over that he didn't notice a small 5 month old baby girl crawling twards him.

It wasn't until he heard a loud cry of "Lucinda!!" That he jumped back amd looked at the infant. Hades couldn't believe his eyes, she was the most beautiful baby girl he had ever seen! She had flawless pale skin, Black hair with blue tips on the ends of her bangs. And the shinest electric blue eyes that shined like emeralds.Just looking at her made his once non-beating heart fill with happiness and life!

Not being able to contain himself, Hades gently picked her up and put her on his hip.

The little girl giggled and pointed twards a tall dark figure moving quickly twards them.

"Thank goodness I found you!"

Hades could feel a chill run down his spine, that voice definitely belonged to Maleficent.

Oncr he saw her, his heart began to pound in his chest and his mouth began to dry up. For a while the two of them just stood there staring at each other. Hades with a shock looked, and mal with a serious one.

It wasn't until the cooing baby girl starte reaching for her mother, that the silence was broken.

"Umm is she your daughter?" He aked nervously handed the baby over to Mal.

"Yes she is, I look away for one second and then she crawls away. Thank you for finding her." Mal said with little to no emotion in her voice.

"Its no problem she's safe now... what's her name?" he asked.

Mal looked at this strange man up and down before she said "Lucinda, and who might you be sir?"

That Question took him by suprise, he hadn't thought of another name yet! So to not keep her waiting, he went with the first name that poped into his head.

"My name is..Diaval!" Hoping that he would believe him, Dival sighed in relief when he saw a smirk spread across Mal's red lips.

"Nice to meet you Diaval, since your nee around here allow me to lay down a few rules.I am Maleficent, Mistress of the moors. If you plan on staying here you have to prove yourself worthy to me...and my daughter" Said Mal in a proud voice.

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