Chapter 14:War with Mud and Love

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"Why didn't you tell me that this trip would take 4 fucking years?!" Faciler snapped, desperately wanting to strangle King Stephen at this point.

"Don't blame me Doctor, the forbidden Moors haven't been searched in years."Replied Stephen with a smirk.

"Well you could've mentioned that before we set sail on this ship.Any sane man would've given up by now, but I'm not giving up you hear me?! My love for her will not die damnit!!.." But in the middle of his big emotional speech, Stephen interrupted and said "Here we are at my castle, I recomend we spend another year here to come up with a plan."

Faclier looked back at the ship as Stephen walked ahead of him. Hopeing to find his beloved shadow still behind him. But he couldn't see it anymore in the fog. "This better be worth it" He said to himself and hurried to catch up with Stephen.

*Year 3 Age:3*
Lucinda sat there on the bank of a small river, throwing flower petals into the water.

Her parents were very busy at the moment discussing something she didn't quite understand. So not to board, she left them alone and came here to this calm little spot. But that calmness was interrupted when a loud SPLAT!! Came in contact with her and her bright red sundress that her mother had mad for her. She turned around to see that it was the silly frog looking creatures with a trunk like nose, who loved to throw mud. With the unhappy look that Lucinda was giving them, the creatures began to slowly walk away from her. Thinking that she might start crying..or worse...tell her mom!!! But to their suprise mud came flying there way. Lucinda looked at them with a big smile on her face and with two big blobs of mud in her hands.One after another, mud was thrown and the beginning of a mud war began!


Once again Diaval(Hades) was trying with all his mite to get a straight answer out of Mal about her feelings. But with her lack of trust and stubbornness, Mal would trun him back into a bird. And when she saw that he could turn himself back, she continued to turn him into other animals. Such as a wolf, a horse, or even a worm! Eventually she gave up and layed in her tree hammock. Flying down next to her,Diaval(Hades) changed into his human form.

"Do you give up Mistress?" He asked with a sly tone to his voice.

"Put a sock in it Diaval!" Maleficent said with a glare.

"I don't understand why whenever I bring up the subject of us as a couple or anything else that I have to say, you change me" He said with a tint of hurt in his voice. Maleficent flashed him her signature smile and let out a hurtful chuckle.

"Thats a very wise observation my faithful sidekick. But ive already explained to you why I just simply cannot take that risk with us. You're to important to Lucinda, and I dont want to go through heart ache again, Not when I have a daughter to take care of."

With every word that Mal said to him, Diaval(Hades) could feel his hand reaching for his pendant, wanting to reveal his true self and his true intentions. But instead reached out and embraced his love so close that he could hear her heartbeat.

"Let me speak and when im done you can turn me into whatever you want. A bird, a worm, I don't care anymore. But what I do care about is you!!"

Mal was completely speechless, she could see the love and determination in his gourges eyes.

"I love you Maleficent, and I'm not giving up on you..or our daughter."

Her heart pounded, her body trembled and her eyes began to spill with tears.With all her mite Mal forced her lips to speak. "I..I don't need anyone else, all I need is you Diaval."

Finally letting their feelings and hormones get the better of them, Diaval(Hades) kissed Mal's lips with so much love and passion that she couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back. Next thing they knew, both of them are on the ground kissing and touching eachother.

*Back at the MudWar*

Splish! Splash! Went the oozing sticky mud, but no matter how cold and slimy it was. Lucinda just contiued to laugh and play with her friends.Not even careing that her dress and other parts of her body were getting dirty. She was actually so preoccupied that she didn't notice that two magical and tall figuers were standing nearby. Both doing there best not to get dirty by the flying mud. But once the elephant nosed creatures saw them, they dropped their mud and ran away leaving a very confused Lucinda behind.

She looked around and found what scared her friends off.

Standing behind her was a man and woman both dressed in black. The man was tall, dressed in a black and red robe with a black turban with a red feather. In his hand was a gold Septer with a cobra snake head with red eyes. But what stood out about him to Lucinda was his twisted beard that she wanted to pull on. As for the woman she wore long black and purple robes much like her mother.She wore a golden crown and her makeup was flawless, to Lucinda this woman could be her mother's twin!

"Aw so sorry that we frightened away your little friends my dear." Said the man as he held out a hand to help her out of the muddy water. Reluctantly taking it, Lucinda stood up Straight and bowed down to the couple.

"Well isn't that just precious my love? She is well manared" Said the woman.

"More like dirty and mannared." Said the man shaking the aces mud off of his hand.

"He's just joking honey, my name is Grimhilde but you may call me Queen, and this here is my boyfriend Jafar."

"Nice to meet you, Im Lucinda and im sorry my dress is so dirty." She said in a shy voice.

"Hmm, well let me assist you Lucinda" Jafar said and used his staff to get her dress nice and clean again. And removed all the mud and twigs in her hair.

Now that she was clean, Lucinda looked up at them with a hudge smile and asked Jafat if he could pleae lean down.

Not really understanding why she wanted that, he just shrugged and did as he neice asked.She reached up on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek as a way of saying thank you. If it were any other female the Evil Queen would have been very Jealous, but she was actually very touched by what Lucinda had just done.She thought it was the cutest thing ever! "Careful my love, my heart just might be stolen by this little girl." Said Jafar knowing he was pushing the Queens buttons. But Lucinda shook her head no, "No sir, the Queen is more beautiful than I am."

The Evil Queen looked down at her with sympathy. "Well that may be true my little one, no one in this land, but I do have a way to make you look beautiful now."

With that said she reached into the sleeve of her robe and pulled out a make-up bag.

"Woah! Do you carry that with you wherever you go dearest?!" Jafar asked in shock.

"A beauty Queen is always prepared to look her best." Said the queen as she applyed red lipstick, pink blush and silver eye shadow to her niece's face.

"There my work is done, and you look absolutely beautiful."

Lucinda bowed again to her aunt and said, "Thank you my Queen, can I go show my mommy and daddy how I look?"

"Of course, be on your way dear."

Before she left Jafar leaned down and put a small blue diamond ring on her finger.

She thanked him with another kiss and ran back to where her parents were.

"Well that was pleasent wouldn't you agree my love?" Jafar asked taking the Evil Queens hand.

"Yes indeed, shall we go see our friends?"

Nodding in agreement, the couple walked hand in hand to meet up with the others.

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