Chapter 1: The Note

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When the force finally settled down, and the blinding green light finally cleared up. All of the villians got up from the floor and noticed a certain evil fairy was missing!

"Where in the name of all things spotted did she go?" Asked Cruela.

"Im not sure but this place is completely trashed." Said Davey Jones.

"No one crashes a party like Gasto-" but before the conceded vilian could continue, Davey Jones wrapped a slimey tenticle around his mouth.

"Lad, cant you see were missing a friend?! We don't have time to worry about you."

Crossing his arms Gaston made a hmph! noise and walked off.

"Oh my goodness look at this everyone! It looks like a note from Maleficent." Said Jafar picking up an object from the floor

"WHAT?!" Cried the others.

"Let me see that!" Said cruela snatching it out of his hands. But before she could read it, Ursula used her tenicles to take it.

The two of them continued to fight over the note, until the Evil Queen took it.

"You fools you'll rip it in half! My love you read it." She said handing it back to Jafar.

Before he began reading both Facillier and Hades peeked over his shoulder.

Jafar rolled his eyes and cleared his throat,

"To everyone at the shower.I apologise for my sudden dissaperence.The arguing between Hades and Facillier is juat to much to handel!This love triangle has to stop now!And until it dose I have decided to build a palace out in the forbidden moors. My daughter will be safe and happy here. Surrounded by all the magical creatuers.I plan on living a better life as a Queen and a mother.As for the father, I wish you the best of luck im finding us. When you do I hope you can prove to your daughter that you actually care!And as for Facillier, I value your friendship but I have no feelings for you. I hope I will see the rest of you again one day.Your's truly.-Maleficent"

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