Chapter 15:The Truth Comes out

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*Back to our main couple*

Finally pulling away for air and fixing their now wrinkled clothes. Both Mal and Diaval(Hades) layed there in the grass cuddling in each other's arms.

"You know, this might sound strange now. But when we first met I thought you were the most attractive man Ive ever seen. A part of me will always love Lucinda's father, I suppose the best thing for me to move on" Mal said with a sigh.

"And.. I'm sure that there's a part of him will always love you too" he said holding Mal closer and ignoring the feeling of gulit in his gut. They continued to lay there in silence, until the sound of little footsteps skipping near them got their attention.

Both of them stoof up, happy to see their little girl.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She cried as she ran to them and hugged them tight around their legs. For the rest of the night the three of them sat there and talked. Lucinda told them both about the mud fight and was suprised that they weren't upset about her getting dirty, or the fact that she had makeup on. She chose not to tell them about how she talked to complete strangers.Soon enough nightfall came and both Lucinda and Maleficent fell asleep in Diaval's(Hades)arms.Holding both of them close and kissing their forheads one after another. He layed there wishing that it could stay this way forever. But in the vack of his mind, Jafar's words of warning still haunted him and he kept hoped that if the truth ever did have to be revealed. That nothing would change between him and his family.

*Year 4:Age 4!!!*
"Okay it's been a whole damn year king!! And still no sign of Maleficent or her daughter!" Growled Facilier pacing back and forth in front if thr opeing if the moors.

"Calm down will you?! Look Doc I have a feeling that we're very close..closer than you think" Said Stephen once he heard someone close by singing. Making a hand signal for Facilier to fallow him, the two of them hid behind nearby trees and looked at the sight before them. It was a little girl, no older than 4 dressed in a short black and purple dress.Her stunning black hair was put into two low pigtails that fell over her shoulders. Both were pulled back by one starfish pin and one dragon pin.A beautiful heart necklace was around her neck, sparkling almost as if it were alive. And a beautiful ring ring was on her right hand that she wore proudly. The little girl was kneeling down picking flowers and singing to a nearby Raven sitting on a tree branch.

"I know you.I walked with you once apon a dream.I know you, the look in your eyes is so familiar a gleem.And I know it's true, that visions are certain as they seem.But if I know you, I know what you'll do.You'll love me at once, the way you did once apon a dream."Stephen..that has to be her..she has to be Malfeicents daughter!" Facilier said in an excited voice.

"Calm down there Doc, there's only one way to find wouldn't happen to have any candy now would you?" Stephen asked with a creepy smile.

Lucinda kept singing on and on, looking up at her father who did his best to sing along even if only caws came out of his mouth.

He continued to listen until she was cut off in the middle of her song. Quickly looking up to see what was wrong, and was completely shocked to see his arch enemy standing infront of his daughter. With an insane looking king next to him. Thinking that attacking them to soon would cause a scene, Diaval(Hades) stood guard and watched over her.

"Hello there, aren't you Just precious. What's your name beautiful?" Facilier asked as he ran a few fingers through her pigtails.

" not supposed to tell stranger's my name, my daddy said so" She said backing up a little.

"Aw well that's very wise if him sweetie, but the two of us know your mommy Maleficent, were old friends" Said Stephen in a fake sweet voice.

"Im Doctor Facilier and this here is King Stephen. You can tell us your name sweetheart its only fair."

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