Chapter 17:We're in Danger

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"I love you too, please don't leave us daddy" Lucinda pleaded. Hades sighed and played with one of her pigtails.

"You know I dont want to leave sweetheart, but unless your mother still wants to be with me, I don't have know what else to do."

"So it's all up to me now is it?!" A voice said, that made both Lucinda and Hades look up. "Mommy!!" Lucinda said as he mother picked her up and hugged her.

"Mal..babe.. how'd you find us?" He asked trying not to sound nervous.

"The thing about fire my love, it glows bright in dark places." She said with a smirk.

"Sassy as always babe, but im surprised that your not ripping my head off right now." Once he said that Mal's grip around her staff tightened. "Don't tempt me, despite my calm appearance I am very angry at you."

Hades rolled his eyes, "Okay I get you're mad but you know why I did this. I did this to be there for you and our daughter, is that so wrong?" He asked.

Although every ounce of her told her not to listen to him and be pissed off for lieing. She shook her head sadly at his question.Knowing that he did make some effort as a father these past four years. Hades dropped the big bad demon act and walked twards her. Lucinda didn't like being in the middle of all this, but she did like seeing the love that her parents had for each other. But just as Hades was about to reach out to embrace his love, the moment was ruined by a loud thumping coming twards them.

"Woah!! The trees are moving!!" Hades practically screamed as one of Mal's tree gaurds came to them and spoke in their strange language.

"What did Mr.Tree say mommy?"

"He said that King Stephen is at the front of the moors with an army. And Jafar, Davey Jones and Gaston are trying to fight them off."

"Woah babe, what beef do you have with the king?" Hades asked.

"We're old friends, Look I can't just stand by and watch the moors be destroyed. Stay with Lucinda."

"Woah hold it right there babe, im not letting you go out there by yourself." He said as he grabbed her arm.

"Well if we both go, were putting our little girl in danger by leaving her alone."

"I'll be fine mommy, my auty Cruela, Ursula, And Grimhilde are still looking for me. They'll protect me."

"She's got a point babe, this is the first time ive ever been outsmarted by a 4 year old."

Maleficent let out a loud sigh, "I'm not comfortable at all with that idea of you being on your own, but I do trust you my angel." With that said Lucinda said goodbye to her parents and began running through the moors to look for her aunts.

Hades watched her run until she was completely out of view, but turned back only to see a very worried looking Mal.

"I'm not gonna lie babe, I'm worried too but I have a way to ease our pain."

Mal raised an eyebrow at that remark, "Oh really? How?" she asked.

"I have my own... reinforcements" With that said, Hades used his powers to make two red and blue figuers appear before them.

"Pain! And Painc! Reporting for Duty!" They both said.

"Alright boys, your mission is easy. Fallow a little girl who is wandering theses moors and protect her okay?!"

"No problem boss!" said Pain.

"She's in good hands" said Panic.

"I really hope so, NOW GET MOVING!!" Hades screamed in the red fire mood. Quickly running away Mal couldn't help laugh at the two scardy cats.

"I know they dont look like much Mal, but the two of them will make Lucinda happy. No comeon babe let's go kick some ass!" With that said Hades took Mal by the hand and made there way to the front of the moors.Although he couldn't see her face, Mal was blushing and finding it very attractive on how fatherly and protective he was being. In her heart she was falling for him all over again.

Lucinda continued to look fot her aunts deeper and deeper into the moors. But the deeper she went, the more darker and scarier they became. Over and over Lucinda kept telling herself not to be scared, but the sound of footsteps behind her made her nervous. Quickly bending down to pick up a rock to defend herself with. Quickly turning around, ready to strike she came face to face with a scared looking pain and panic.

"P-please dont hurt us" Panic said sheilding himself with his arms. "Your dad's the one who asked us to fallow you" Pain addaed.

" daddy?" She asked before dropping her rock.

"That's right we work for your dad hades. Im Pain and this is Panic." They said waving.

"My names Lucinda, could you cute little guys help me? Im looking for my aunts."

"Sure we can help! Right panic?"

"Yeah! We can help, looking for old ladies is what we live for."

"Great let's go!" Lucinda said before running off again.

"Man she runs fast for an 4 year old" Said Panic through a few pants of breath.

"It's not like it's our fault boss had a kid, but as it's our job as his minion's to do what he says" Pain replyed.

"Yeah even if that means helping a little girl look for old ladies in this creepy place."

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