::Neptune Or Venus ::

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"Hello." I said with a frown on my face.

"Honey we need you to come home, as soon as possible. Something terrible has happened." My dad said. Could things get any worse for me than they already are?

"Dad what happened?" I asked and he was silent for a moment before I heard shuffling on his end. "Dad?" I asked in anticipation, my anxiety was growing by the second.

"It's a scandal. They're saying I pleaded fraud." My dad said and I swear my heart skipped a beat. No, no, no. This is bad.

"What who would say such a thing?" I asked and my dad sighed.

"I don't know, Vee." My dad said softly. Then it hit me, it could only be the person that's been threatening me for so long. She said she'd mess things up between me and Jay and even my dad. If it was her, she succeeded, but I will not let her have the last laugh.

"Dad, I'm coming home. Just let me know when you're here." I said and my dad agreed. He hung up the phone and I was left with my own thoughts. I don't think it was Chloe that messed things up between Jay and I because how would she convince him to tell me that he doesn't love me. He meant it when he said it.

I got into my school uniform and when I was done with my hair and make-up I went outside. I joined the others at our table. Eli and Jay were both giving me the stink eye and before I could stop it a stray tear escaped my eye, I quickly wiped it away and both of their expressions changed. They went from angry to sorry and I was having non of it.

"Val, what's wrong?" Kesha asked softly.

"I'm sorry." I said and everyone at our table looked at me. "I'm sorry for being mad, I'm sorry that my dad has been falsely accused of pleading fraud because of your ex girlfriend and your new best friend." I told Jay and Eli. "You know what's worse? I would never have done what you did to me." I told Eli and he just silently looked at me. "I wouldn't have said what you did to hurt me, I'll never forget what you did, even if I forgive you. It's impossible." I said and Jay's jaw clenched.

They were quiet so I stood up and left the table. I went outside on an empty stomach, I lost my appetite anyway.

I told Katy what happened and that I'd be going home soon, I left the part about Jay out. She hugged me and said goodbye before she went to her first period of the day.

Oh shit the protest! It only hit me now, that I still had to lead a protest later today. I can't do it later, because I'll be gone by then. I can't do it now, because it's against the rules. But f that, rules are meant to be broken.

I tweeted that the protest will be held in the second period it's a sit-in protest. Where we all sit in class with no books, refusing to work or speak. We'll even have duck tape on some people's mouths. After the second period we're going to march around the school while chanting and singing. And I'll be ready to go home by first break. They thought sabotaging my life would get me down, but they were wrong. I'm still going to show up no matter how hard things get.

The first period flew by and in the second period we were in Mr Neptune's class.

"Good morning class." He said but we were silent. "I said good morning class." He tried again, that's when he saw the duck tape on a few of my classmates' mouths. It's good to see the boys supporting my movement. He took his phone out and scrolled down.

"Oh it's the protest. I see everyone in school is participating in this." He said while shaking his phone in the air. I tilted my head to the side in an intimidating manner.

"I guess you have the rest of the period off then." Mr Neptune said but nobody responded. He sat down in his chair and looked at me. "You know the school isn't half as bad as you make it sound." He started.

"I for one don't think we are sexist it's just the way things have always been." He said and I flared my nostrils in anger. "You women always make things about yourselves." He said.

"I mean who told women that they can do everything that men can do?" He asked and I burned with the desire of saying something back but if I did it would break the protest. I watched him calmly as I thought of what to say when the period is over. "I changed my mind. Let's get to work." Mr Neptune said but nobody moved. "Take out your books." He said and we sat back in our chairs smirking at him while we watched him turn as red as a tomato.

I started scribbling on a paper.

"Why don't you make us?" I wrote.

This only seemed to anger him more because he took the paper out of my hand and tore it apart.

"Acting crazy won't make us change our minds." I wrote and he blew a gasket. I swear I saw steam coming out of his ears.

"You'll regret this little missy. I'm telling the principal." He said and I yawned since he was boring me.

"Go ahead." I wrote and he stormed out of the classroom.

Right when he did so the bell rang for the third period. I went outside and my classmates and all the other students followed me. I stopped in front of Mr Neptune and smirked.

"Women are the strongest beings on this planet, not on Neptune or on Venus." I said and the crowd laughed at my lame joke. "Not that I'm comparing, I want equal rights for everyone. I want girls to have the privileges that boys have. And if that is your mentality, that women can't do what men can, then you must be the weakest man I've ever come across." I winked at him and the crowd cheered me on as I walked down the hallway to exit the school building.

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