:: Because I Do ::

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"We have to go inside at exactly nine o'clock." Emma said before rolling her eyes.

"Really?" I asked while scrunching up my face.

"Yes, but you will get used to it. We live a very strict and planned out life here at Maloy high. So buckle up and get ready for the ride." She stated sarcastically as she walked ahead of me and Kesha.

We said goodnight and went our separate ways. My dad was right, one step at a time.

My first day of school might just be alright.

I sat on my new bed looking sadly at my school uniform. The turquoise blue skirt, navy blue blazer and white shirt sadly stared back at me. At least high heels aren't off limits.

I swear to god, if I wasn't allowed to wear my heels, I was going to freak out. My shoes, make-up and hair are the only things left to make this uniform look a little less depressing.

The next morning I woke up by a loud bang on my door. I sprung out of bed and went to my door.

Oh my god am I about to die? What's happening is it the cops? Because that sounded like a cop knock.

Wait. How would I know how a cop knock sounds like?

"Good morning." I said before yawning tiredly when I opened the door.

Nobody was in front of my door all I saw was a neatly dressed woman with dark brown hair banging on doors left and right.

What is going on? I frowned sleepily. Did my parents accidentally send me to a military school?

"This is how they wake us up here, new girl." A girl with black hair said rudely before she headed to the toilet.

I gave her an oh look before returning to my room. I took my phone out of the charger.

You have got to be kidding me! It's six o'clock! Who even gets up this early?! In WV school started at 09:30 sharp. What the heck kind of place is this?

School starts at eight here, so I'll just sleep a little while longer. I curled into a small bundle on my bed and drifted off to sleep, again.

At exactly seven o'clock, my alarm went off so I stood up and headed for the showers.

I walked into my room thirty minutes later. I quickly got dressed, I don't know how to fix my tie so I'll just ask Eli or someone.

I wrapped my hair into a neat ponytail, before placing it into an even neater bun on my head. I then placed pearled pins around my bun. I stepped into my heels already feeling better about my uniform. I then did some light make-up to go with my look.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when I heard a familiar bell ring. Oh shit! I'm late!

I grabbed my blazer, phone and backpack before I ran out of my room. The halls were empty. Again.

I ran down the hallway, luckily I was on the second floor. I stepped outside, breathing the fresh air into my nostrils.

"Late on our first day?" The neatly dressed woman from earlier asked when she saw me stumble outside.

"I am so sorry." I replied apologetically, I quickly pulled my blazer on. "I don't know how things work here yet..." I continued.

"You're late." She stated. Way to be nice. I started walking in the direction of the school building.

"The cafeteria is this way, be here on time in the future, miss Russ. I'm miss von Hugel, by the way." She said blankly. Well she's a peach, note the sarcasm.

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