:: The Equals ::

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"What do you want Chloe, a medal for being a bitch?" I asked her with narrowed eyes.

"What I want is for you to reveal your true colours to me and to everybody else. You're not as innocent as you seem. You're just another gold digging bitch, looking for a rich boyfriend aren't you, Valorie?" She replied in a rude tone.

"No I'm not, if you knew me at all you'd know that, that is the stupidest thing ever. My dad is the CEO of a tech company, so go figure we have money, not that money is something I'm looking for. But keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better about yourself." I said before pursing my lips.

"I will keep telling myself that, because I don't trust you. You let my brother and my boyfriend fight over you, so you'll remain a slut in my eyes. You don't deserve Clay." She said, before whipping her hair and walking away from me.

"He's your ex boyfriend! And don't interfere in your brother's love life!" I yelled after her.

What a bitch.

I walked to class pissed at myself for not attacking Chloe or something.


So my week has been really shitty until now, but I'm looking forward to my date with Clay this Saturday.

After school I had detention, I did my best to avoid talking to Clay and Jay. Not that I could, I ended up talking to both of them.

We were the only people in the room, my homework was finished and the teacher was asleep. What was I supposed to do? Die of boredom?

After detention I headed straight to my dorm. The only place that's judge proof.

The highlight of my day was finding my phone fully charged when I woke up this morning.

Awesome, right?

"See you at dinner!" Toby waved as he walked away from me, I'm heading for town to buy myself something nice to wear on Saturday.

Usually students aren't allowed to go to town during the week, but I managed to convince miss von Hugel to give me permission.

I lied to her face and then I had to drink two glasses of water to quiet down my hiccups.

Maybe I should call Clay, I don't want to be uncomfortable in my clothes.

I dialled his number. He picked up after the third ring.

"Val?" He asked through the phone.

"Hey, just wanted to ask you if I should wear something formal or casual, cause you're keeping this a secret from me you have to at least tell me what to not wear." I said in one sentence.

"Wear whatever you'd like baby, just as long as you're comfortable." He said perfectly.

"Baby? I like the sound of that." I replied flirtatiously.

"Oh you do?." He replied in the same manner.

"Always, I'll tell you all about it on our date." I replied before smiling. We quickly said goodbye, before I stepped out of my uber ride.

The smell of fast food and burning cigarettes filled my nostrils as I walked down the streets.

I ended up buying myself a beautiful light purple dress. There is a low v-neck on the chest, it hugs my waist then it lightly shoots out around my legs before stopping four inches above my knees.

When I got to my room I quickly freshened up and went back outside to hang out with Eli and Toby. We mostly talked about mathematics and physical sciences. But damn, I love these people.

My afternoon was well spent, but I couldn't help but to notice that Jay was nowhere to be seen. I shrugged it off and continued having fun.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of my alarm as always. I did my usual morning routine. I slipped my blazer on before going outside.

When I entered the cafeteria it was a packed house. I heard a whistle here and there from a few cat callers, nothing I'm not used to.

I really enjoy being called as if I'm a dog, note the sarcasm. Hopefully a new student will come to this hell hole and I'll be out of the lime light.

Jay was surprisingly already at our table, he shot me an angered look as I walked towards our table. Prepare yourself for another speech from Mr Mathers, Val.

"Hey guys!" I said in a friendly tone before sitting down. They all just looked at me awkwardly before focussing on their food again.

"Can somebody tell me what's going on?" I asked carefully. Not one of them looked up, not even Toby.

I looked at Jay with a frown displaying on my forehead. His facial expression stayed the same as he continued looking at me.

"I guess you're gonna tell me what happened." I said rolling my eyes.

"Nah." He shrugged and faced his food. That's strange, normally he'd have something to say. I don't get what's going on, nor do I get why my friends are acting this way.

Maybe I did something wrong? Did I say something that offended someone? I can't ask them because they won't respond anyway.

Emma and Kesha looked up at me giving me their familiar apologetic smiles, like they always did when Jay was being a dick.

They'll probably tell me later when he's not around. I took a sip of my orange juice before I looked up to meet Clay's green eyes.

"Here comes trouble." Eli said under his breath and Toby gave him a knowing look.

Clay walked up to us while being greeted by almost everyone in the room, they shouted his name while making weird signs.

Boys being boys.

He sat next to me and said "hello" to everyone. I smiled and took another sip of my juice.

"Morning." He said huskily. His hand made it's way around my waist. Jay shook his head and grabbed his backpack before heading for the door.

"Good morning." I said in a bubbly tone. He smelled like really expensive perfume which made me weak in the knees, his minty breath hit my nostrils every now and then whenever he spoke.

"I came to get you." He said smiling softly. I can tell that he was being serious so I stopped eating and got ready to leave.

"Bye Em, Kesh, talk to you guys later." I waved at them. Toby and Eli both stood up and gave me the best group hug ever before smiling quirkily.

I can get used to this, Clay treats me like I'm the only girl in the world, but I can't get used to something that's hurting someone else. I'm seriously stuck between a rock and a hard place

They're so different and yet I find them both equally interesting.

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