:: Exes And Oh's ::

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I lifted myself from Jay's body. And seated myself next to him.

"Why don't you go and change into something more comfortable?" He asked.

"You want me to leave?" I asked frowning.

"No, just grab something from my closet."

My school uniform was a mess from sleeping in it. He's right I have to get changed.

I walked over to his closet before grabbing a grey knitted sweater and some sweatpants. I put it on while I was in the bathroom. His clothes were way too big for me.

When I stepped out of the bathroom he was sitting upright on his bed looking at me. He smiled before running his fingers through his hair.

"Fuck." He cussed under his breath. "How am I supposed to keep my hands to myself when you're wearing my clothes? I just want to remove them."

My cheeks were flushed by the time I reached him. His laptop was resting on his lap but he moved it aside.

In a sudden movement he pinned me to the bed. My back hit the soft blankets beneath us. His hands cuffed my wrists as he held them above my head.

He placed a small kiss on my lips and studied my body from above. His fingers moved against my waistline making me inhale deeply.

He smiled mischievously before he started tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably. He kept tickling me until I felt tears rolling down amy cheeks.

His deep laughter filled the room. His hands dropped from my sides and he gave me time to catch my breath. He looked at me seriously, studying my every move before he kissed me passionately.

He sat up bringing me along with him. He carelessly straddled me over his lap.

"Fuck, Valorie what are you doing to me?" He asked while rubbing our noses together.

I rested my hand on his cheek staring into his beautiful silver orbs.

"I won't hurt you. Please stop pushing me away." I begged.

The expression on his face looked rather sad. But he just nodded.

"For you, I'll try." He said smiling dryly. "Won't you fix us something to eat?" He asked nicely.

"Sure thing but only if you help me." I replied. He agreed right before we made our way to the kitchen.

"This isn't really my forté so go easy on me." He said while rolling up his sleeves.

"You know for someone who doesn't cook your cupboards are surprisingly filled with every single cooking device that there could possibly be." I realised out loud.

"Era-Bella is responsible for that." He stated.

"Who's Era-Bella?" I asked curiously.

He pointed to the freezer and I noticed a small photo of him and a beautiful blonde lady.

"Is that pplyour mom?" I asked.

"You can say that."

I gave him a puzzled look because I really was confused now.

"My mom left me and my old man when I was ten years old. My dad hired Era to look after me while he was at work. She's basically the only mother I've ever had." He finished.

"So why do you call her by her first name?" I asked stupidly.

"Because I just like irritating the shit out of her." He said while smiling with a deep dimple printed into his cheek.

"She's beautiful." I stated smiling.

"She is." He agreed.

"How about spaghetti?" I asked excitedly. When last did I eat spaghetti?

His arm slid around my back as he brought me up to him, his breath tickling my face while his lips brushed against mine.

"We can have whatever you want." He whispered into my ear. Our heads moved closer to each other.

We both got startled when his door suddenly opened.

In the door stood Emma, Chloe and a lady that I think is Era-Bella. They looked at us as if they had seen a ghost.

I slowly stepped back to stand beside Jay, his hand securely rested on my lower back.

"You fucking slut! What's she doing here?!" Chloe bursted out.

"None of your business." Jay stated coldly.

"What in the world is going on in here? Jay so this is how you're spending your time? Like this. With this girl?" Era-Bella asked in a Latin American accent.

"I spend my time how I want and with people that's worthy of it." He stated firmly.

Oh baby! That's so sweet. He said that I'm worthy of his time.

I kissed his shoulder from beside him as a 'thank you for standing up for me.'

Emma was holding her thumbs up to me before mouthing 'this is awesome.' I just ignored her I was still angry at her for keeping this thing with Clay a secret from me.

Her smile faded when she noticed this.

"I thought we could have dinner but you're clearly busy with her. Entertaining the poor will never suit you. I'm leaving maybe she'll give you what I can't she is a slut after all." Chloe said brutally.

"Wow sometimes I wonder what I ever fucking saw in you. Funny thing is there's four women in this room and the only one acting like a slut is you, Chloe." He stated firmly.

"Did you just call me a slut?" She asked holding a hand to her chest.

Jay just gave her a pointed look. Silence took control over the quarrel between the two.

"I'm just gonna go." I said breaking the silence.

"No. They should leave." Jay said in an angered whine.

"It's better this way." I said smiling.

"Yes let her go back to the gutter." Chloe said.

"Okay I'm not allowing you to speak this way of my friend. If you don't stop right now I'll punch you in the face." Emma said while holding her fists up.

"Save us holy virgin of Mary." Era-Bella said looking as if she was going to faint at any moment but she just rested with her arm against the wall.

"There's no need, Emma. She's definitely not worth it." I said calmly.

"Why do you keep insisting that she's poor when everybody knows her dad is the CEO of one of the richest tech companies in West Virginia?" Jay asked frowning.

"I'm also dying to know." I said lifting a single brow.

"Because she is! And I'll prove it!" She screamed loudly enough to make everyone around her deaf.

"You're pathetic." Emma said rolling her eyes.

"Why'd you bring her here in the first place?" Jay asked flaring his nostrils. "Would you all just leave I'd like to be alone with Valorie again." He stated.

"Fine we'll leave." Emma said calmly before smiling over at me.

"I'm out of here." Chloe stated angrily before heading out the door. She turned around before going outside.

"This isn't over I'll prove to everyone that you're not who you say you are, Valorie Russ. Enjoy your status while it lasts, it won't be long before you're ruined." She threatened psycotically. Then she slammed the door behind her when she exited.

"Come on Era we have to go too." Emma said tugging at Era-Bella's arm.

"Goodbye my hijo. Just take care of yourself, okay. Te qeuro." She said sadly.

"Yeah I will, I love you too." Was all Jay said. Together Emma and Era-Bella walked out of Jay's dorm in silence.

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