Chapter 21 - The Curse

Start from the beginning

"Lucius, I just told you not to decide with your emotions."

"I am not." Lucius said simply, "Even if I didn't hate the man, you think his soldiers would follow him if I gave them an option of a better ruler?"

The king thought about his son's words for a moment before smiling lightly as he said, "Great work." He then looked back at the papers in front of him as he said, "The detailed strategy you've put in place would save many lives. Now I want you to look up more scenarios about the East. Overthrowing the king is one option. Let's look at a few others."

"Alright." Lucius nodded, getting to his feet, "I will take my leave then."

"To the library, Lucius. Don't loiter." The king warned.

"Fine, fine." Lucius rolled his eyes, smiling at his father before he made his way to the door.

"I'm serious. If one more complaint comes to me from Emerson, your morning rides privileges will be taken away. Again." The king said.

"Is it the only thing you ever think of?" Lucius asked.

"It is the only thing you enjoy most." The king countered, "Now go ahead."

"Have a good day, father." Lucius said.

"You too, son." With that Lucius left.

Noah was walking close behind him, saying, "You did a good job."

"I should hope so." Lucius replied, "As much as I hate the idea of it, ruling Eglar is inevitable. I've got to do my best to keep everyone safe."

"Then I will work harder to keep you safe." Noah said.

"All you need to do is keep me entertained." Lucius said, smirking over his shoulder towards Noah.

Noah smiled back, glancing around the hall before he grabbed Lucius's arm, shoving him against the wall, pressing his lips to his, kissing him deeply. "I love you."

Lucius was blushing deeply as he pushed against Noah, trying to get out of his grasp, "Noah, you heard him, he will not allow me to go out if I don't get to the library on time."

Noah's lips were against Lucius's ear as he spoke, "Wouldn't it be better to spend our mornings in bed instead?"

"Noah, get off. I enjoy the morning rides" Lucius protested, "And you know it will only mean longer classes for me."

Noah sighed, saying, "But you owe me a longer ride tomorrow." Noah said with his arms folded.

"It's still snowing. We will freeze if we stay out too late." Lucius arched an eyebrow.

"I don't really mind. It will be worth it." Noah smiled. Lucius's lips tugged in a small smile as well, as he looked away, and a few seconds later he pushed himself off of the wall, starting to walk towards the library where he was soon to part with Noah.

Noah was walking to the yard to start training with some of the soldiers when he started feeling lightheaded, closing his eyes tightly before he kept going, only to stop and lean against a wall as he felt his dizziness intensify. He wasn't sure of the source, and a bit later he was standing in front of Lucius, who was smiling at him, talking to him but he couldn't hear a word he was saying.


"Blayth, please..." Lucius begged, Lazarus having taken a seat next to him, trying to make him understand the importance of waking Noah up, but Lucius tried to ignore him. "I won't stop her... it's too late as you said. I just want to be with him..." Blayth hesitated before his grip loosened, not heeding Lazarus's serious frown, letting Lucius go. Lucius moved closer to Noah, taking his hand between his own, looking at his lids, hoping they'd open.

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