Chapter 14 - Destiny

Start from the beginning

Lucius picked up a spoon full, bringing it to Noah's lips, watching him frown at it as he said, "Come on, we haven't had anything decent for a few days. Only a couple of bites." Lucius bargained. Noah relented, eating the bite Lucius offered him.

Liam came out of the infirmary a little while later, looking as exhausted as he felt, making his way to Cylus just as Wyatt got up from where he was seated in his lap, settling on the ground next to him instead as he took his hand between his own, making Cylus smile at him.

"How is it feeling?" Liam asked, kneeling down in front of Cylus.

"Broken." Cylus replied, making the healer arch an eyebrow as he looked at him. Cylus smirked before asking instead, "How's the old man?"

"Unfortunately no change." Liam said, unwrapping the bandages around the archer's foot, making him wince when he picked it up. "Did you put any weight on it?"

"Was unavoidable at some times." Cylus replied. Liam nodded, frowning at the swelling, almost completely disfiguring the foot. He touched his thumb to it, feeling for the broken bone, which had Cylus hiss as his whole body tensed. "You've had worse, Cylus, bear with it." He then glanced at Wyatt who had Cylus's hand clutched between his own, his lips pressed to his knuckles while his worried eyes were on the injured man. "Wyatt, would you bring me the pain-reliever?"

Wyatt glanced at him with hesitation, not wanting to leave Cylus's side when he heard Leon say, "I will bring it." They all knew where Liam kept his medications, having given all of them intensive lectures on the importance of knowing the difference between them, as him being the last healer made it crucial for all of them to know each and every one of the remedies and what their uses are. He went as far as labeling each vial he made.

"Thank you." Liam said, his hand hovering over the foot, the other holding it in place as he cast a spell to study the fracture. "How did you break it this way?" Liam asked, his hand moving to the side, "Your tibia, and cuneiforms are both broken."

"That's what happens when you fall off a tree, then another one falls right over where your foot is stuck, crushing it. If the third tree didn't fall over that one, I wouldn't've been able to get out from under them before the rest tumbled down around me." Cylus explained, "Least I'm alive." He shrugged.

"Thank god you only got out with a broken foot." Liam said, thanking Leon when he brought the medicine, giving it to the archer before he started repairing the broken bone. "You are not to walk, or put any weight on it for a while." Liam instructed, feeling the bones shift under his grasp of the foot, starting to rejoin, making Cylus grunt in pain, gripping the armrest while his other tightened around Wyatt's.

"Blayth has a broken rib." Leon said.

"No I don't." Blayth protested.

"Yes you do." Leon glared, "You can barely walk straight."

"Let me check it." Liam said after he was finished, going to where Blayth still sat on the ground.

"No need, I'm fine." Blayth insisted, but Liam ignored him, placing a hand against his chest, checking him fully.

"No break, just bruised." Liam said, handing him the same painkillers, "Take some of these, and ice them so they don't get worse."

"See." Blayth said to Leon, "Not broken." Leon rolled his eyes, getting up to go find some water for one of their mages to freeze for him.


Edmur woke up in Tobias's bed, reaching over where he thought the alchemist was, only to find an empty bed, even though he recalled he fell asleep with his arm wrapped around him. Getting up, the seer went to the washroom, freshening up before he made his way to the dresser where some of his clothes were, as most nights he'd spend there. He changed, heading to the door and going downstairs where he guessed the alchemist was.

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