"Yeah." I sighed.

"I have to ask, did you spray paint Josh's house?"

My dad looked at me, his face full of dark red anger. I know I shouldn't lie and it will probably come back later and bite me in the ass but I couldn't do with two punches today.

"No. It was some drunk idiots that did that because of his dad who was on murder charges but they got dropped." I explained.

"Okay. Thank you." He said and left.

I hopped in my dad's truck as he drove us back home. When we pulled up, I went to get out of the car but he locked it.

"Did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Spray paint that property."

"No. I didn't."

"You seem to know a lot about it."

"Because he told everyone at school."

"You're not off the hook." He said as he slapped me round the face.

It stung but I just gritted my teeth and got on with it. When I walked through the door, their were some plans on the table for new rooms. I took a look at one but didn't dare pick it up because I can't touch any of his stuff.

The room that was being built was to hide drugs. We don't have that much room in our house so he must be renting a warehouse somewhere. That is a lot more dodgy.

"Move along." He said as he pushed me.

"Sorry." I said, rolling my eyes, which I knew was a mistake.

He bawled his fist up and hit me right round the face. I dropped to my knees as he kicked my stomach.

I've tried reaching out to neighbours but they all hate me for some reason. They hear my screams and my cries, they've seen what he does but no one ever bothers to help me.

"Please! I'm sorry." I begged as he kneed me in the face.

"Go to your room and pack up your stuff."

"No. Please, don't kick me out."

"I'm not going to. We're moving house."

"Can I see where?" I asked.

He handed me a picture and my eyes went wide. This place was massive. He could build as many secrets rooms as he wanted and would never get caught.


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"Wow. It's beautiful." I said.

"Yes it is. Now, go pack up your stuff. Don't leave any pictures behind or anything with your name on."


"Because I'm setting this place on fire."

"What? You can't. It could set other houses on fire."

"Oh well." He said as he started loading some boxes into the car.

I went into my bedroom and tried packing stuff up but it was too painful. I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer when Noah wasn't looking and put it on the bruised places. I cleaned up my lip, hoping that it wouldn't need stitches.

"You ready?" He said as I put the last of my boxes in the car.

"Wait." I said as I ran down the street into an alleyway.

On the days that I was scared to be around Noah, I would sit in this alleyway. One time, I met this English Mastiff named Archie and have taken care of him ever since. But if we move house, no one will care for him and I don't want him going into the house when it is set on fire.

I called him over and then ran back to my dad. He looked at me with an annoyed look before just sighing and accepting it.

"You can keep him but he stays in your room and he isn't allowed on the furniture. He's your dog so you care for him. You feed him and you buy him a few beds." He said.

"Okay." I smiled as I helped him into the truck.

I watched as my dad pulled out a lighter and threw it down on the petrol that he had already poured everywhere. We hopped in his truck and drove off to the new house. I watched as everyone else ran out of their homes and screamed as their houses caught on fire. I heard sirens pulling into the road as we were pulling out the other end.

A Broken Pair - (CPD)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt