The brunette

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Hope pov... I open the door to see Landon. Landon what are you doing here " well I came here to se rug you would maybe like wanna hang out sometime" umm sure I say with a confused look. Is this a date ? I ask "uhh umm yeah kinda I want it to" he responds nervously.

I shut the door and get back to my nap waking up only to realize it's the next day omg im gonna be late I say to myself I hurry and dress myself

Josie pov.. omg my alarm it didn't go off im gonna be late. Im gonna kill Lizzie for not waking me up uhh I throw on my cloths and walk out.

Hope pov.. rushing out the room with my books I run into someone sending us both flying to the grown. I open my eyes to see a beautiful brunette on the floor. I'm so sorry I say " it's okay she replies with" I help her up and say hey I'm hope "josie" she says

Josie pov.. I ten out the door bumping into the aburn haired girl who is relay pretty she tells me her name is Hope and u tell her mine. She helped me up and I headed to class only to see her again in magic class

We start getting into the lesson when the teacher says get into partners Ik new so no one chose me hope saw and walked over asking to be my partner I said yes Immediately. We continue to talk working on our spells when the bell rings. She said bye and that she'll see my latter I finally felt like I made a new friend.

Hope pov.. I was back at my dorm getting ready for my date with Landon at the mistic grill. I put on a white t with a black leather jackpot and some ripped black jeans. I hear a knock at the door it was Landon he had some flowers and said wow you look beautiful. Not to bad yourself I say he blushes and takes my had walking to his car

We get to the grill and order our food . It arrives and he devoured it I laughed at him with sauce on the side of his mouth I wipe it with my finger and he blushes. We get the check and I tried to pay for it but he insisted so I let him win just this once.

We went to the car on our way back to school and he walked me to my dorm he says goodbye and so do I but we keep eye contact and finally he pulls me in for a kiss. Not to mutch but it got the point across that we liked each other.

My love - hosie Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat