"I'm not going to endorse it more than the fact that I think it is some of my best work. Oh! I will say that a ridiculously attractive guy told me he enjoyed it. Why I'm mentioning the fact that he's ridiculously attractive like it holds any weight on his opinion, I don't know but I feel like it does hold weight. Which I guess says a lot about our society and what we value and how I'm really not as different as I wish to be...I'm sorry where was I?"

Clearly, not in her right mind, that's where she was. Who rambled on with such strange honesty? Mason pushed his coffee aside and crossed his arms. This girl made no sense and that annoyed him. Which with how he'd entered the bookstore only made him more annoyed.

"You were talking about your book!" someone called out.

"Yes, thank you. Right. A Royal's Tale. Read it. Don't read it. Whatever floats your boat. Which part of it does take part on a boat so that saying fits. Now let's get onto the questions."

Why are you so strange? How have you managed to function in society for so long? Where is your owner and why have they let you out for the day? Only some of the questions that crossed Mason's mind.

Joy pointed to someone in the crowd. "Okay, I'm going to choose the person jumping up and down and waving her hand to protect the readers nearby. Yes, what's up?"

"How do you write books like these? I mean does the book plot just flow? Because I'm trying to write a book but I just can't seem to finish the first chapter. Like every line I wrote I re-read and re-read and my tone and flow of writing just don't click. Do you have any tips on this?"

Mason was amazed by the torrent of questions and imagined Joy wouldn't have any answers. Looking at her, she looked like she didn't give serious thought to anything. Give tips on writing? Okay, this would be interesting.

"First," Joy said. "Maybe you should take a breath. I heard breathing is a good thing to do from time to time."

The reader smiled and nodded, doing as Joy suggested.

"Plots take time," Joy said, encouragingly. "I give myself space to develop them. They also have a structure that can be followed. The seven basic plot points. Those take a bit of time to explain so wait after this and I'll explain them. As for your writing, you need to stop re-reading your work right away, that's the fastest way to get writer's block. You need to figure out the direction you're heading, write and not look back until your done. Okay?"

The reader nodded and Mason was mildly surprised that the answer made sense.

"Okay, how about another question," Joy said. "And remember to keep doing that breathing thing I mentioned. Will do wonders for your health and the longevity of your life. Yes, you what's your question?"

"How do you cope with character deaths?"

Mason had to wonder about the sanity of this author when at the question a wide grin crossed her face. Insane or just a sadist?

"It's simple," Joy said. "I look forward to the absolute devastation that it will bring to my readers."

The crowd all booed good-naturedly and Joy laughed and waved away their annoyance.

"Come on, I only kill off characters when it's necessary to the book. I'm not completely evil. I merely laugh evilly when I'm writing a character's death. There is a difference."

Again Joy gave a grin that made Mason wonder if authors were all unhinged in someway or if this girl was merely special.

"If you're asking about other authors killing off characters. I'm not going to lie, the author really has to earn the death for me to care at all. If they kill someone off just for the sake of drama or surprise, I sense that and don't give two hoots about it. But as an author I'm extremely hard to please at times so I might be alone in this. Next before you discover I'm a terrible person."

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