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The next days weren't less stressful for Jun than the days before

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The next days weren't less stressful for Jun than the days before. Not only did Gojo have an incident with some curse, which according to him and Yuji was still quite human, but she had to take care of Ren's re-registration.

After getting all the papers together she needed, she had deregistered him at his old school and enrolled him at the private school Yaga had mentioned.

Of course, Ren was less thrilled about this, which she understood. But it was for his own good and since she had only registered Yaga and Gojo at his new school, who were authorized to pick him up, she didn't have to worry about her father coming to get him.

Jun was amazed at how well Ren had settled in and acclimated over the past few days. He was no longer afraid of the students and one could almost think that he enjoyed spending time with them.

He was especially fond of Megumi's dogs and whenever the opportunity arose, he would summon them for Ren so he could play with them outside.

It was as if the attack of the curse had never happened and yet Jun was afraid that the trauma would show up sometime later and then probably at a moment when she couldn't be there for him.

But right now she had other things to worry about and that was preparing the students on how to best go up against the Kyoto Sister School.

Since Yuji was currently traveling with Nanami, she had plenty of time to devote to the students, who were diligently working on their skills and physical condition every day.

Ren was also always with them on the large sports field, playing with the dogs, while Jun gave the students instructions on what they needed to improve and what they should pay attention to.

She had heard from Gojo that the other students should definitely not be underestimated and that they had to be prepared for everything without any exceptions.

And so now Jun was sitting here on the stairs in front of the sports field while she watched the students and kept an eye on Ren the whole time.

Jun couldn't say that all this was really easy for her and that sometimes she wouldn't like to just throw everything away, but she knew that she couldn't do that.

As long as she breathed, she would commit herself to this school and this life. She would also stand by all the students who came to this school, while she and the other sorcerers tried to rid the world of the curses.

No one had said that this would be easy and each of them knew that in the end it would probably be completely impossible to rid the world of all the curses.

But what mattered at that moment was change and the will to achieve that change at all costs, no matter what it would cost them in the end.

"Okay, fifteen minute break.", Jun called out to the students and she could see the relief on their faces as now Ren also came running to her and threw himself into her arms with a laugh.

𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ・S. Gojo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now