Her body began to slow its step as her brain began to pick up. Everything else has dissolved like it was never there and in the darkness (y/n) hovered. She was at a standstill, (y/n) would have a few moons to live, and then she would fall. Every hardship she had gone through would count to nothing. But for now, she was still. Floating neither up nor down, wondering what would happen when her body hit the floor.

It sent her into an existential crisis. What would happen when she died?

Would the earth beneath her body shake as she crashed down? Could it tremble start from moonlight skies?

(y/n) felt tears start to rip from her cold eyes. Should she scream out or keep calm as she clung to her mouth - too frightened of dying. She had to relax, yes. But even as she tried, it wasn't helping. The fear had a hold on her, a vice grip.

Jin just so happened to be out of the tent, wandering the campsite and finding his way back from the bathhouse, his hair still dripping wet. And when he stumbled across (y/n) stood on a slight incline in the middle of a path, the stillness scared him. Perhaps it was the moonlight making her skin sickly pale or the lack of wind letting every hair hang without movement. He was not sure. The girl didn't even blink, just kept her eyes on the sky like she was asking for answers. He noticed the shack in her hands. It pushed him to move closer.

Her body lurched when he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. He moved his torch closer, and the flame lit up her cheekbones. There was panic in her eyes, similar to breaking horses.

She didn't shake off his touch like Jin was expecting. "What wrong?" His voice carried softly.

(Y/N) started fidgeting under his stare, and her eyes kept flickering elsewhere. Then for a second, the air felt empty. His chest was about to explode out of frustration and worry. She didn't answer, but her head found its way to his shoulder like it always used to. It rested there for a few seconds before she released what she was doing. She didn't want another episode again.

As (y/n) tried to pull away. However, Jin'sJin's hand moved to her head, holding her still, swimming his fingers through her hair. She still didn't answer his question, but she let the tears that had been threatening to fall all day go. (Y/n) took in a few deep breaths to clear her head, but it sent waves of amber and mahogany right through her nose and into her brain. The scent reminded her so much of her time at the hut. It made her feel out of place. The heavy fragrance drifted around her body, rendering her helpless. She couldn't even wring out the words ''I don't know what to do.''

The girl both hated the sent for staying and clogging up her brain. Yet when Jin pulled away, her head leaned forward. Pulled in by an invisible string back to his chest. Yearning for the comfort she had been oh so craving. She watched through blurry eyes as Jin began to rummage in his pocket to pull out the little red string. He found the hilt of her sword hanging in her hip bone. And with a tight knot, it was back where it belonged.

"I think you still need this," He whispered, not waking the soldiers that slept meters away. "For luck,"

(Y/n) made no effort to stop him. She had no energy to protest nor question why he was giving it back after she had thrown it in his face. But if Jin said it would give her luck, then maybe it would. (y/n) was desperate enough to take anything she could get, even if it was a tattered, old bit of twine.

Jin's hand came back to brush her cheek for a second before it came back to rest in his pocket. "Do you want to go on a walk?" It wasn't a suggestion as he had already begun leading the girl away from the tents and any possible ears prying in.

They walked side by side out of the campsite and into the surrounding fields. They kept going until the cuffs of their trousers were wet from the long grass. The quiet settled the storm in (y/n)s mind. And when they finally stopped upon a hillside, Jin found a dry patch of ground shielded by a willow tree.

The tree shivered in the bitter wind; it was harsher than the lower ground; the two bodies had no choice but to huddle closer. It wouldn't be long until the stripped branches would be adorned with snow. Clusters of twigs gnarled and twisted and hid them away.

The two sat, still and unmoving, watching the lights flicker from the tents below. But it didn't feel enough for Jin; he wanted to talk and be able to erase the worried eyes that plagued the girl's face. But when he turned to look at (y/n).

Her eyes gave a glare freezing his bones. It was colder than the air, like being naked in the middle of a snowstorm, where every chunk of ice was a frosted dagger cutting into his skin. Yet there was something solemn swimming behind the ice. There were stunning and held the truth that her face could not hide. The chill stung, but it felt good. He needed to know that kick, that pain; at that moment, every cut in those eyes defined him.

"Tell me what is going on," Jin said, quite breathless.

It was subtle and quiet. It was only a line. It was what (y/n) couldn't muster out earlier. Still, it was something about the way torch light shone brilliantly on his face. It felt honest and genuine, and she knew she was in no state to refuse help, even if every fibre of her body wanted her to flee.

The stakes remained too high while the earth around her feet slipped away. She wanted the man to pick at the stitches and bindings holding her mind together. To find the solution and a way to let her live, but that was too much to ask.

"I don't know what to do."

Jin nodded and wrapped his arm around her side. His own head came to rest on hers. He decided that he would do what it took to help; he wanted her to use him; it didn't matter that there had spent cycles apart; she needed him now, and he would be there.

They sat for a few hours talking about anything and nothing, and Jin dug deeper into her mind than she probably realised. Each pointless question led to each meaningless question. It began to build up a puzzle of what the two had missed from each other's lives. And once the conversation died down, the quietness came in.

It wasn't harsh or awkward like it had been. The gap had been bridged ever so slightly. And in the quiet, brambles began to grow around them, twisting all around them until they couldn't move. A beautiful, quivering, chivalrous shamble, intertwining them back together. It didn't matter how terrible everything had gone; Jin was drowning (y/n) riots, and she was happy to hide in him.

It wasn't until (y/n) remembered the work she had not done in favour of lying on the floor. Faking tiredness, she led them back down the hillside, far calmer than before. 

Hello, hope its ok, not 100% on this one but on well. Thank you for reading xxx

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