Putting pressure on her arm she winced in pain watching as the monsters tried to get in, "hold them!" Yelled Minho while rushing to the side where was a huge closet, he started pushing it with all his force, struggling against the door she grabbed Thomas wrist and pulled him back as the closet fell to the ground with a loud crash. Preventing the cranks from getting in.

The snarling was once again behind them and the trio snapped their heads towards the sound, they were everywhere and Asterin could feel the sudden burst of energy and fear rushing through her veins the same way when they were in the maze with walls falling, and without a second thought Asterin was the first to run and she was so much faster than them, her flashlight flickering at the speed along with the rest as they followed behind trying to keep up with her.

The trio ran up the stairs, Asterin in front of Minho and Thomas on the other stair running and trying not to look behind or fall, the other gladers on the other hand were chill and stood looking as to how suddenly was light until the familiar screaming of Thomas caught their attention, snapping their head towards the trio who ran in fear they stared weirdly as to why they're running for their lives.

"HEY! GO!" screamed the trio to the gladers as they got closer to them, then they noticed it, the monsters running behind them and the snarling getting louder as they tried to catch their prey, "shit!" Exclaimed Newt while slowly looking around making sure no cranks was in front of them, the ex-runners screamed at them to get the fuck out, "GET OUT OF HERE YOU STUPID ASSHOLES!" Asterin was waving at them to run.

The gladers ran with the trio following behind as they ran towards the stairs once again, "WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE THINGS?!" Asked Newt while running for his life, "I DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP GOING!" Replied Thomas back as he pleaded the way along with Asterin who was ahead of him, a sudden crank appeared out of no where and rushed towards Asterin who without a second thought kicked it with all her force throwing it off the stairs along with three who were climbing up the stairs.

"WE GOTTA FIND A WAY OUTTA HERE!" Frypan finally spoke to Thomas who was by his side and Asterin who was in the back along with Newt, "YEAH NO SHIT FRY!" It was a really stupid thing to say coming from Frypan, of course, they gotta find a way of this place or else they'll be surrounded by those fuckers and they're dead.

Suddenly a crank jamp out of the window and landed on Newt, panic was written all over Asterin face as she and Thomas ran at the same time towards the boy who was trying to keep the monster off him, scrunching his nose in disgust at the veins coming out of his mouth both Thomas and the black haired girl kicked the crank off him to the side, the glass shattering once the crank hit it and it fell to the ground dead at the sharp hit it got from the duo.

Asterin helped Newt on his feet and checked if he was okay in which he only nodded thankfully at them, "thanks Tommy, thank you darling!" With that he was pulled back by Winston and started running once again, Minho hurrying them to run down the corridor, "where are we going?" Asked Newt, the rambling of the gladers panicking didn't make anything better especially when the door by the end of the corridor didn't want to open.

The gladers slammed their bodies against the door to open it as the cranks got closer but the lock on the other side prevented them to get in, "I'LL HOLD THEM BACK!" Said Winston while cocking the gun no one knew he found and started shooting at the monsters, with one last push from Frypan the door swung open revealing an empty corridor with broken cars, the gladers ran and before she could grab Winston's wrist she suddenly felt a sudden force grab him and pull him away from her.

"Winston!" She called in panic and immediately rushed to grab the boy who was dragged by the cranks and was holding the door for dear's life, he could feel the nails of the mosters digging in his skin and ripping him open as he screamed in pain, Asterin grabbed him and pulled him with all her force and eventually pulled him away, Newt and Frypan were on his side and immediately helped the boy while Asterin was left with Thomas and Minho pushing the door.

"MINHO GO I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" "LET'S GO, LET'S GO!" with that Asterin was pulled by the wrist and ran along with Minho, looking behind making sure Thomas was after them the girl watched in horror as the monsters rolled on top of one another just to catch them but they eventually got away from them as the gladers hid under what seemed to be a rock, Thomas shaking badly as he tried to turn off the flashlight.

Asterin leaned against Minho's chest as she gasped for air and panted heavily, she was shaking under his hold and her legs were numb from all the running, "hey... I need to change the thing wrapped around my arm..." she muttered, she even forgot what to call the cloth wrapped around her wound due to how panicked and afraid she was back in that place.

Minho immediately nodded as he took off the bag from his back and opened it, the gladers turning on their flashlight and pointing it at her arm, Frypan scrunching his nose at the stitched wound and looked away, Minho carefully wrapped another clean cloth and his finger trailed on her skin to calm her down.

"Hey, I'm here you're fine..." he muttered and planted a few kisses on her forehead, Asterin suddenly jolted awake and made her way towards Winston who was panting heavily, "hey buddy, you alright?" She asked carefully lifting his shirt and wincing in pain at the bleeding scratches on his stomach, "we're gonna have to clean that..." she muttered carefully taking her supplies that she needs to treat his wound.

The gladers said encouraging words to Winston as she carefully treated the wide scratches as if a lion just placed his sharp nails on him and scratched but no, these were monsters who were onc humans, she could hear the way he tried not to scream in pain and Frypan took off napkin and placed it in his mouth so he can bite on it.

Wrapping the cloth around his waist Asterin tapped the boy's shoulder with a soft smile, "you did amazing, buddy, now rest." Her words were soft and warm and he felt relaxed and slowly was falling asleep his eyes fluttering shut at the pain and the medicine she handed him and was letting the sleep take over him, Asterin turned back to her spot, between Minho's leg and leaned against his chest.

Her breathing.

Minho listened to her breathing and focused on it to forget what happened back in the abandoned mall, her hand fiddling with his beautiful fingers she loved to wrap around hers to warm them up, the hands she plenty of times kissed to calm his nerves down, turning to the side Asterin watched as everyone soon fell asleep, Thomas head on top of Newt's shoulder as they slept peacefully with their hand hidden behind them to not show them intertwined but Asterin could clearly see it.

Smiling quietly to herself she brought Minho's palm to her lips and placed a sweet kiss on it, Minho on the other hand smiled to himself and tried not to show and pretend to be asleep, if it was possible he will never wash that spot were she placed her soft lips he wanted to place them on his.

What is she doing to him?

She's driving him crazy and god his heart beating so fast whenever he sees her is sometimes annoying and the blush creeping up his cheek whenever she looks at him was the most ineffable feeling.

It was as if he felt lucky that she looked at him and not the others, he needed her, everywhere he went to, with him, hands intertwined and her back pressed against his chest and mostly he needed to feel her, every inch of her body and especially her lips.

'What are you thinking about, Minho!'  He scolded himself silently.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Where stories live. Discover now