"I can't take it anymore, can you stitch it up for me?" She asked the boy who immediately nodded without a second thought, one more stitch left and that's it. Newt did as told and once the wound was perfectly done he wrapped the cloth around her arm gently and carefully not to hurt her, he seemed to notice how she suddenly got silent ever since they reached here.

"Hey love, you alright?" He asked the girl gently with a small smile, the girl blinked before turning to look at him with a small smile on her lips, "yeah, I'm fine." She replied, Newt could tell that she wasn't okay just by the pain in her beautiful eyes but he will not force her to tell him if she's alright or no, nodding he ruffled her hair before walking away.

Teresa suddenly walked in and started changing her clothes, Asterin in the other hand rolled her eyes and grabbed the flashlight from the ground, along with a scarf to wrap around her head, the black haired girl wore a navy blue sleeveless top that showed her perfect abs, dark green flannel, black cargo pants, black combat boots and lastly a white scarf wrapped around her neck.

Teresa seemed to be glaring at Asterin before she walked over to her in rage, grabbing her shoulder harshly she spins the girl around, Asterin stared at the girl with a scrunched nose then she felt it the sharp sting on her jaw and her falling on her back at the sudden punch.

Blood gathered in the corner of her mouth as she spit it to the side before glaring at Teresa who seemed to look proud at the nose bleed she caused, as Teresa was about to walk away she suddenly felt her hair being harshly pulled back and Asterin was dragging her by the hair before slamming her head against the mirror, the blue eyed girl stared at Asterin with wide eyes.

Asterin on the other hand didn't seem to notice what she was doing but only grab her collar firmly and throw her to the ground and with each punch slammed her against the cold stone ground, her resentment grew inside her like a tumor and her eyes burned with anger, her fury sprang to life with each punch.

Teresa was struggling against her crowd and was shocking as she tried to pray the girl off her who didn't seem to get enough, with each punch Teresa felt her body numb, "YOU STUPID FUCKING BITCH IF YOU TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN, I'LL MURDER YOU."



Another slam.

And Teresa could feel her head light, and Frypan was the first to react as soon as he heard the shattering of the mirror, the sight of Asterin standing on top of Teresa and punching the shit out of the girl was one of the most terrifying sights and without a second thought he ran towards his sister and picked her up from Teresa who was gasping and coughing for air.

Aris rushed to look for Thomas and Minho in the dark, "guys! The girls just got into a fight!" With that Minho ran towards Asterin to check if she was alright, Teresa was on the ground all bloody and had blood flowing from a cur she caused on her eyebrow, her nose always bleeding and her cheek was blue from all the punching.

Asterin on the other hand was trying to push Frypan off her and teach the girl that was already backing away in fear a lesson, "YOU PUNCH ME AGAIN, YOU'RE FUCKING DONE!" She screamed, her knuckles were also bloody and she had her nose bleeding, her breaths were heavy as she walked away from the group of boys.

Minho didn't care about Teresa but followed Asterin who ignored his calls but walk away, Minho ran faster and grabbed hold of her wrist, Asterin tried to push him off her, her hand was shaking so bad and she looked everywhere but his eyes, Minho pulled her towards his embrace to calm her temper down, tears finally welled up in her eyes as she blinked letting them fall.

Nore tears fell from her eyes as she stood silent loving the way he brushed her hair and whispered words that were like honey, "it's alright, beautiful." he slowly yet gently pulled her towards the empty couch and l sat her down, his hand sliding from her wrist to her hand holding them as if he was holding a feather coming from an angel's wing.

He grabbed a napkin from the bag along with a water bottle and a cloth to wrap around her knuckles, wiping the blood he stared at the girl watching as she winced in pain each time earning an apology from Minho in reply, "I could have saved him..." she said her voice low like a whisper as she looked down biting her lip to not cry in front of him, "who?" Minho's voice was soft as he wrapped the cloth around her hand that was shaking badly carefully.

"Chuck..I should've pressed on his wound and dragged him to the door so they can take him as soon as they opened the door and it's my fault for-" she was panicking and he could hear as she tried not to stutter after every word but she stopped talking as soon as his hands both pressed against her cheeks and made her look at him.

"Hey. Shut up, it's not your fault, Chuck is proud of you and Alby, he wanted you to be strong and threatened me to keep you safe and I can remember one night in the bonfire before you got here, he made a speech and I can remember him saying; don't blame yourself, be strong and survive." He said brushing the tears that raced down her cheek with his thumb that was smooth against her skin, "so please, don't ever say that again..." he said watching as she stared at him with a small smile and her eyes sparkled under the moon light.

"You know, you're very beautiful at night and I always wanted to tell you that but couldn't..." she said with a smile as she brushes his hair a grin, her eyes were shaped like hearts as she felt butterflies roaming in her stomach, falling in love with him after every second that passed.

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞- Minho, The Maze Runner Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant