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Kat Gomez. Actually known as Katerina Gomez. She's a 16 year old with long black hair, is quite athletic and is 5ft 6. Her and her Bestfriend, Bella, are very much alike, they both like the same sports and are dealing with the same stuff. Abuse.

They lost their moms when they were only 6 in some 'freak accident'. Lies. All lies. Kat and Bella are actually cousins but refer to each other as friends. Over the past three years, they have been through hell and back together.

They are both so smart and have such a bright future ahead of them but each day, they wonder if that day will be their last.

*Katerina's Pov*

I woke up at five o'clock so I could go out for a run before school. My dad was still sleeping on the couch after he got home late from drinking with Andy Greco, Bella's dad.

After I was dressed, I put some makeup on the bruises that were up my arms even though I knew it wouldn't cover them fully. I grabbed an apple and headed out the door to meet Bella. As I was walking, I screamed when a rat ran past and Bella just started laughing.

My dad, Noah, has lots of money but we live in a shithole. He doesn't want a rich house because he's worried that the police will knock on his door one day with a search warrant because they always suspect the rich ones.

"So, did you get the email?" Asked Bella.

"Yeah. You?"

"Yep. Let's open it together."

When we reached school, we opened our emails and scanned over the words before we both were screaming and jumping up and down. Bella dived into my arms and I caught her as we screamed and laughed together.

"Shut up!" Shouted Josh.

Josh, the school bully. Not only do we have to deal with our dads bullying us, we also have to deal with him.

"God. No need to get so worked up." I said rolling my eyes.

"Not everyone wants you screaming about seeing Harry Styles."

"We were screaming because we both got into NYU." Said Bella.

"Good luck keeping it. You two are so dumb, no wonder your dad's hate you."

"Don't be jealous. Just because we actually have a future instead of smoking weed at the skate park and working in Mcdonalds, doesn't mean you have to be such an ass." I snapped.

"What the fuck did you just say to me!" Shouted Josh.

"Yeah. Watch your mouth!" Shouted Alan, his best mate.

"Let's go." Said Bella.

As I turned around, one of them yanked my hair, so hard that it brought me to my knees. I clenched my fist and told myself that I wouldn't hit him because I knew I would get in trouble with the school and then my dad.

"Back off!" Shouted Bella.

Josh kicked my back and I smacked my chin on the floor. God, that hurts. I slowly stood up and looked him in the eyes, clenching my fist.

"She said, Back off." Interrupted some guy dressed in black jeans and a red top.

Bella grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the situation but as we turned around, I was stopped by another guy. He was in blue jeans and a beige coloured top. He was definitely older than me but god, was he attractive.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm sure your mommy can clean that up for you!" Shouted Alan.

I walked over to this tree that had small stones surrounding it, I picked one up and went to throw it at josh when someone grabbed my wrist.

"Don't." Bella whispered.

I dropped the stone, picked up my bag by Josh and walked off to my locker.

"Who was the handsome guy?" Asked Bella.

"Which one?" I laughed.

"Don't know. Can't choose." Bella laughed.

Can everyone please go to the auditorium.

Why? Just why?

Bella and I went to the toilet before hand so I could clean up my chin and then we went off to the auditorium. Unfortunately, we were late so we had to sit in the front row.

"Morning everyone, we have a few guests today. These people behind me..."

They were the same people from earlier, the ones that stopped Josh from doing any more harm. They were lined up with their hands behind their back and that's when I saw it. Police badges. Shit. I checked to make sure my bruises were covered and thank god they were.

"...they will be popping in and out of lessons to see how school is and in different periods, different years will be getting a talk with them. So please listen so you won't be surprised when they turn up in your lesson." Continued the principal.

I ignored what the principal said next because to be honest, I didn't care. I'm going to be in all lessons anyway so what was the point in listening.

After the assembly, I walked to my locker but Bella stayed in the auditorium because she had drama first. I quickly tried to get my books out in case Josh and his buddies turned up. It's like I can predict the future. Alan walked up to me and slammed my head into the closed lockers.

I went to hit him but he grabbed my hands and pushed them up above my head, against the lockers.

Thats when I saw him again, the blue eyed cop as well as the handsome Latino one. They were talking with their boss for a bit before they turned and started walking towards me.

"Get off!" I shouted.

The whole group of cops turned around and started walking over.

I kicked him in the groin and then kneed him in the face before running off. One of the cops ran after me but stopped when I went into the toilets.

I looked myself in the mirror, knowing I was going to be in trouble. My wrists were red from the tight grip he had on me and I had blood dripping down my face.

To make matters worse, I was late to class so now I would be in bigger trouble.

It was now sixth period, last period of the day. Bella and I had maths together and we got there early so we could get a seat at the back. Once everyone had piled in, the door opened and two cops walked in. The handsome one from earlier and a young woman with dark brown hair.

"Hi guys. I'm Detective Jay Halstead and this is my partner Kim Burgess."

"Hi, guys." Smiled Kim.

"How about we go around the room and everyone can introduce themselves to us." Suggested our teacher.

"First and last names?" Asked Michael, the nerd.

"Yeah." Smiled Kim.

Great. Just fucking great. What are they trying to do? Investigate us?

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