Rojo's gang x Male Reader

Start from the beginning

Rojo:Why worry when youre good at your job,Livie.(Of Latin origin,Livie name meaning blue.)

Livie:Speaking of which,someone forgot to do their job concerning our blasters.

Black hair:Here we go again.

Livie:Youre the teams mechanic Kiara.(Woman with raven-black,dark hair)The blasters didnt do half the damage they did last week.

Kiara:I was busy.If I didnt fix the van,we would be having this conversation behind bars.

Rojo:Thats enough!Its been a busy day,were all still a little tense about the cops,so why dont we lay low for a while and relax.A week at the base with no crime will do us good.

Kiara:What do we do about out hoostage?
Rojo:We take him with us.And before you say anything,think about the adavantage of a human shield.Better to have hims than taking a new hoostage every so often.Who know.Maybe he can be usefull for some other things.

After driving for a while they made it to their base.They entered an empty warehouse and exited the vehickle,leaving the loot and Y/N inside.Rojo then stomped on the ground near their van causing a mechanic sound to occur.The ground under the van and their feet began to lover like a elevator.Once they got underground the hole closed,they opened the back of the van to unload it's contents.

First they took out all the bags with money and set them on a pile of various other valuables.Gold bars and trophies,antiques,money and many more.Then Rojo came back for Y/N and pulled him to his feet by his restraints.He saw their lair and was very surprised.It looked like an actual house,only without most of the walls.And with a garage.

Rojo:Well,what do you think?

Y/N said something but it came out a mumbling mess.Mostly because he still had a gag.

Rojo:Right,almost forgot.

She unwrapped his moth and allowed him to take a deep breath.

Y/N:What do you want with me?!

Kiara:Exactly what Ive been wondering.

Rojo:Im just having some fun.Plus its easier than getting new hoostages.Besides,while were busy with stealing and robbing,you can clean up around the base.Chores arent for criminals.Especially those that can toast you to dust with their blasters.I you get what I mean.


Rojo:What's with the shaking?No need to be afraid.Just do as you're told and you get a free new home with three good looking roommates.

Livie:Have you been standing in front of a mirror again?

Rojo:It's a real shame looking this good isn't a crime.

Livie:We just untie him and let him walk freely around the base?

Kiara:Well,she did says he could do our chores for us.Let him clean the base.

Livie:No,he should do the laundry first.

Kiara:That was your job!

Livie;And vacuuming was yours!

As they rambled on,Rojo on Y/N's shoulder with her arm.

Rojo:I love it when they go back and forth like that.They're like sisters.

Y/N:Are they?

Rojo:Since the base hasnt chrushed down Im gonna go with no.

Livie:OK,first he does the laundry,then cleans up the base.Priorities first.

Kiara:Fine.But his starts with the garage first.

Rojo:Lucky you.Now get to work

Rojo then undid all of his restraints and Livie grabbed him by his arm.

Ben10 human girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now