Ch 32: Things Go Wonderfully Right (Or Horribly Wrong)

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I shot up into a sitting position. My head pounded and everything around me seemed blurry. As I reached over to rub my head, someone grabbed my shoulders and shook me viciously. My vision cleared and I realized that it was Alice.

"Oh my goodness! You're back!" She exclaimed with tears in her eyes. I let out a startled breath as she pulled me into a tight hug.

I blinked owlishly in confusion. "What?" I croaked. I  then noticed blob of ink that was splattered on my clothes. Huh, when did that get there?

I looked around me and clinched my jaw at the sight of ink everywhere.

"She's alive! It worked!" Norman let out a shaky breath as Sammy sighed in relief. They were both as well covered in ink.

My brows knitted in a frown. "What do you mean?" I slowly asked with worry in my tone.

Alice bit her lip. "(Y/N), you died. But it's fine now! Benicio used the Ink Machine's miracle to bring you back." She gave me a small smile.

I was bug-eyed. "I died?!" But weren't you only allowed one miracle? Did that mean that Benicio decided to save my life instead of reviving the money? I frowned. I had ruined the entire plan!

"Hey! I know that (Y/N) being alive is great and all but did you guys forget we have a little problem to deal with?!" Boris growled. I looked towards his direction and realized he and Benicio were The ink was in a human form and it would randomly appear from the ground.

So that's where the ink came from.

Alice helped me stand up. "Yeah, we sorta have a bit of a problem." She said as she killed one by shooting it. "These things showed up after we used the machine." She grumbled as she killed another.

The ink human things growled and moaned as they fought back.

Norman handed me a metal pipe. "Here use this. I found it lying around. Just don't die again." He smirked. I scowled back.

I gripped the pipe and swung it as another ink monster got closer. I grinned in satisfaction as it slowly dissolved.

"Hey, where's Wally?" I asked once I realized he wasn't here. I was ready to beat him up for killing me.

Benicio and Boris shared a look then the older brother smirked. "He got what he deserved." He said pointing to one of the monsters. I slightly smiled before returning to the fight.

The ink monster were starting to deteriorate in quantity. Benicio and I killed off the last one together, it splattered all over us but we didn't mind.

We all collapsed down onto the ink stained ground. Benicio's office was a mess.

"We should do that again." Benicio sighed.

I raised a slight brow. "I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"Stay with me for long enough and you'll be able to." He smirked. My eyes widened as my face heated up.

"I'd like t-"

"What the hell happened in here?" A voice cried from the doorway. It was Azazel and he was holding Willow in his arms. As soon as Willow saw me, she jumped out of his arms and ran over to rub against me.

I gasped in delight. "Willow!" She quietly purred as I petted her.

"So is anyone going to explain or am I just going to be left confused?" Azazel put his hands on his hips.

Sammy chuckled sheepishly looking around at the wreck. "The good thing's that nobody's dead."

"Anymore." Alice quickly added. I grimaced.

Azazel pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "I'm not even gonna ask."

"But besides all this mess, what are we going to do about the machine? It won't work since we already used the miracle." Boris grumbled.

I let my head droop. I felt responsible and guilty because we put in all this work for nothing. "I'm going to go out for a stroll. Just to clear my mind." I bit my lip.

Benicio stared at me with worried look. "Are you okay? Would you like to rest a bit more? I mean you just woke up from being...well...dead." He cleared his throat.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled before leaving the office.

The casino was bustling with commotion as I walked by and out the doors. I stood transfixed on the middle of the pavement. If I closed my eyes, I would be enveloped by the orchestral sounds of horns honking, people chattering, and footsteps hitting the pavement. If I opened them, bright lights, tall buildings, crowds of people, and billboard signs would encompass my line of sight. I took a deep breath in to calm my senses.

A warm hand landed on my shoulder.

"I can tell you're not okay." Benicio sighed from behind me.

I faced him as quickly as I deflated, shifting my eyes to the ground. "It's just all my fault. I ruined the entire mission. Your miracle." I mumbled. "I understand if you hate me."

Benicio stared a me for a second, waiting for me to finish, before chuckling. "I would honestly die before I let anything happen to you. (Y/N), I know I didn't realize it before're my miracle." He smiled with tender eyes. "I could never hate you."

I gazed back with my mouth hanging before quickly closing it. "I think I'm in love with you and I don't know what to do." I quickly blurted before covering my mouth.

The mob boss smirked, "I never thought we'd end up together, but here you are confessing to me. I do too, (Y/N)."

We stood transfixed on each other.

"I-Is this the moment we kiss?" I whispered. "I've never done anything like this."

"Don't hesitate. Just kiss me." He challenged as he wrapped an arm around my waist which caught me by surprise.

Heat rose from my stomach to my chest and my heart definitely skipped a beat as Benicio's lips were closing in. He was so close. That was it – at that very moment his lips brushed over mine like a wave of warmth and all my body reacted to him instinctively. I was definitely nervous at first but I soon felt butterflies flutter inside of me with amusement as the moment continued. I let my eyes close as I enjoyed the best thing to have ever happened to me. Our lips slowly separated but we still faced each other. A genuine smile grew on both of our faces.

"You're the best thing that has, and ever will, happen to me." The demon remarked.

I smirked. "I could say the same thing."

I knew from that moment that I would enjoy being with Benicio...well as long as we were staying alive.


Oh my goodness, it's finally over! This story was honestly longer than I intended it to be but I enjoyed writing it every single week. Thank you all so much for the votes and comments! (I love reading every single one)
If you enjoyed, please consider voting. It would make my day!

Thanks for all of the support and I'll see you in the next book!


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