Ch 16: Bloody Hell

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"Well, well, well. Look who we have here."

My eyes grew to the size of sausers as I fell back in shock. The atmosphere was still dark but I could make out his face and his hand that was reaching out for me. I quickly attempted to scoot back and prevent him from touching me but instead he was able to grab me by my wrist.

I screamed in agony as he dragged me across the cold metal floor. I used my other hand to try and break free from his strong grasp.

"Shut up or you'll get what's coming to you." He sneered with annoyance and tugged harder.

I gave up on trying to pull away so instead I reached into my pocket while panicking to grab my gun.

I wasn't there.

I must have dropped it when I fell. I felt dread in my stomach and now I was more anxious than before. I look up to see the wolf's face more clearly, and even though there was dim lighting, I could make out that there was a scratch that went across his face.

I yelled for help, hoping that Benicio or Boris weren't too far away.


Crack! Crack!

There were two gunshots that went off. I felt my throat close due to the panic I was feeling. Suddenly, the grip the wolf had on my arm and weakened and then he completely let go. He had been shot.

I watched in horror as he slowly and painfully slumped to the ground. A pool of blood poured out from a hole in his arm he used to grab me with and another in his chest. He was now laying down in a uncomfortable and unsettling position.

I turned around to see who had killed the wolf.

In the dark room I could see a glowing halo approaching me. It turned out to be Alice who was holding both her own and my lost gun. I sighed in relief and accepted Alice's hand to help me stand up.

"Come on, Benicio found where the piece is!" Alice chirped as she handed me back my gun. "Better not lose it again."


After making our way through the dark storage room, we entered a side room that was used to storage important items for the diner. Outside of the room were the two wolves that walked into the storage room earlier, the only difference was that they were now dead and laying on the floor. There was even a giant metal vault that reached the ceiling which kept all of the diner's and the gang's earnings. Benicio and Boris had already opened it and inside of the giant vault they found a much more smaller and complicated to open safe sitting on-top of a small table in the middle of the vault. It must be where the piece is.

"Are you even trying to open it?" Alice put a hand on her hip as she watched Boris work on opening the small safe. I stepped inside the huge place and looked around and saw how many valuable things there were. I was almost tempted to take a handful of the treasures.

Boris stopped working, turned around and scowled at her. "If you're such an expert, why don't you open it." He crossed his arms.

Alice walked over to him and pushed Boris to the side. He grunted in annoyance. "With pleasure." She smirked. Alice picked up the tools she needed to crack the safe and got to work.

Benicio watched with amusement as Alice continued to peg away.

Boris scoffed, "Pfft- If I couldn't open it there's no way you-"

The sound of the safe being cracked cut him off.

Alice twirled around the tool in her hand. "You were saying?" She smirked and tossed Boris, who held a dumbfounded expression on his face, back his equipment.

"That was pretty pathetic of you." Benicio snickered and crossed his arms, referring to his younger brother. Boris huffed, expressing his offense.

Benicio walked over to the safe and crouched down to open it. When he swung the door open, smoke came out of it and revealed the book. The piece we needed.

"A little dramatic having the smoke, isn't it?" I tilted my head.

"The important thing is that we have it." Benicio grinned as he held the piece.

He stood up and tucked the piece into his pocket. We followed behind as he led us out of the vault and silently maneuvered our way over to the storage room door. Benicio opened it enough to be able to see outside of the room but not enough to be seen from outside.

There were more people that entered the diner which meant that escaping was going to be much more difficult. The hallway that we had to go through was empty though. Unfortunately, It might not be that way for long.

Benicio closed the door again and turned to face us. "Okay I'm only gonna say this once so listen up. (Y/N)," I perked up at the mention of my name. "You are going to go outside first and then let us know when it's safe to come out. One-by-one." He explained.

I hesitantly nodded in agreement and when no one outside the room was looking, I quickly stepped out. The slowly tip-toed over to the back door that lead outside and opened it. Luckily, Sammy and Norman were waiting for us in their cars outside. I sighed with relief and then motioned for them to make their way over. Benicio, Boris, and Alice each made their way out safely and without being seen.

"Took ya long enough." Norman smirked when we all piled in the car.

Benicio pulled out the book. "It was worth it." He shrugged with a smug look. "Four down, two more to go." He beamed proudly.

Norman took a look at the piece. "I'm surprised you guys made it out. I mean with the entire gang there and-"

"THERE THEY ARE!" We heard a voice yell. We all turned around to where the voice was coming from and we saw about ten wolves with furious looks on their faces, standing at the door way. Between them was Tom, who had somehow managed to escape.

Boris grumbled at the sight of him.

Norman clicked his tongue. "So...who are your new friends?"

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