Ch 15: Bait

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"That should keep him quiet." Boris dusted his hands off as he walked into Benicio's office after stuffing Tom's unconscious body into the janitor's closet and locking the door. He even had to pay the witnesses $100 each so they wouldn't rat us out to the police.

Benicio adjusted his tie. "You guys ready?" We all stood around his desk. By the look that Alice had on her face, she wasn't happy that work got in the way of her break.

"Y'know, I don't really like the whole idea of me having to be near Tom's gang just to get the piece." I anxiously blurted out. Benicio already had a meeting with all of us earlier and informed us that the plan would be that I would go into the diner and talk to the owner as Benicio and Boris would sneak inside through a back door that I would open. Alice would be listening in on the conversation between me and the gang to see if she could get a hit of where the piece was and then tell the two brothers before they entered the building. Norman and Sammy would be ready with two cars outside as get-away drivers. I wasn't too sure about the plan. Especially since Benicio had quickly come up with it while he ate bacon soup.

"They won't put a hand on you. Alice will be there to make sure of that." Benicio reassured. 

Alice raised a brow. "But what if they try to put their paws on me?" 

"Well then you'll have to stop them," He states as if she was stupid. "Don't be idiots. I don't have time for a fight. I'm too busy to deal with those damn wolves." Alice scoffed by didn't reply back.

The mob boss smirked, "Good. Now lets put this plan into action." 


The small bell on the door chimed as I nervously walked inside the diner. It was pretty small but it was filled with customers. I anxiously looked around the familiar place as I tried to calm my tensing muscles. I stiffly sat down on a stool by counter, I was basically surrounded by wolves. Must be the gang. 

"Welcome, ma'am! What can I get cha today?" I didn't even notice that the owner of the diner, a brown wolf who was named Douglas and wore black clothing besides his white apron, had walked over to me. 

I saw the door open from the corner of my eye, Alice had quietly snuck in. The bell hadn't even made a sound! She was wearing different attire to lower the chances of being recognized.  

I quickly turned to face the wolf. "I'll take I coffee, please." I replied without thought. 

"Right away!" He cheerfully said and walked away to make my order. 

I looked around to see where Alice was but I couldn't find her anywhere. Weird. When I turned back around in my seat, the owner was back with my drink. I was a bit spooked since he was right in my face. 

"Sorry about that, miss. Here's your coffee!" He smiled bashfully and placed my drink on the counter. I reassured him that is was okay and took the drink as I scanned the room again in search for Alice.

"Did you stash it?" I heard a low, husky voice behind the counter. I turned around, confused if he was referring to me, but it turned out to just be another wolf, who wore a leather jacket, whispering to Douglas.

Staying Alive (Benicio Drew x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora