Ch 20: One Distraught Demon (edited)

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We reached Chapter 20! I'm so thrilled that you guys have enjoyed this story so far. Just seeing that people are reading gives me the motivation to keep writing! Thank you all so much!


"CUSS!" Benicio belted in agony once he hit the snow. "Holy cuss!" He groaned and reached out to cover where he had been shot. Blood oozed through his fingers as he applied pressure to his bleeding leg. There was a tear in his grey pants which were now red where the bullet had made impact.

Without much thought—almost mechanically—he torn the bottom of his pants and tightened it around his wound to prevent  a large amount of blood loss.

I rushed down on my knee to help him. "Benicio! No- Don't stand up so quickly!" I bit my lip in frustration. More triggers from the wolf's were pulled so I quickly ducked down and covered my head. Where was Boris when you needed him?

Before I knew it, the demon had started shooting as many gang members as he could out of anger. Every now and then he would grunt at the pain on his leg. One after another the members fell. The white snow had soon become crimson and on top was where the wolf's lay.

I grimaced at all the dead, twisted bodies that blocked the alley. An unnerving feeling rose inside of me at the sight of the horrific scene.

The demon grit his teeth. "I swear I'm gonna-"A sudden pain rushed through Benicio's leg so he stayed where he was and just breathed through the throbbing pain.

I wanted to help but I didn't know what to do.

"Benicio! (Y/N)! Why didn't you- Oh my gosh, what happened!" Alice gasped once she noticed what was going on. She had come back to look for us, followed by Boris and Tom. Still, there was still no sign of Sammy or Norman.

Tom's eyes opened wide. "Oh wow. Are you okay?"

The mob boss groaned as he sat straight up. When Boris offered to help him, Benicio only refused. "Stupid cussing what they deserved..." He muttered under his breath. Boris and Tom shared a frown. "Oh come on. You both know I didn't mean you guys."

"Have you seen Sammy and Norman?" I hopefully the three. Alice slowly shook her head 'no'. I frowned.

We ended up staying in the alley to clean up and fix Benicio's wound. Despite our many concerns, Boris was able to successfully remove the bullet from his leg and close the wound with stitches using tweezers, yarn, and a needle. Boris rewrapped the cloth around his brother's wound. I attended to clean up the blood on his leg. And while finishing up, Sammy rushed into the alley way in a frenzy.

Without explaining anything about where he'd been, he signaled us to leave. "The police are on their way."

Benicio groaned at the bad timing. It still hurt to move.

I could hear a few sirens in the distance and they were only getting closer. I fiddled with my hair anxiously.

Boris made sure that the doll was still in his pocket and then scooped his brother up into his arms since we couldn't stay here for much longer. Benicio shrieked in pain and reached out for his leg. Boris grimaced as his ears fell back.

The sirens were slowly becoming louder and Alice noticed. "No need to act like such a child, Benicio. Come on, let's go."

"It cussing hurts!" He growled. Alice rolled her eyes.

Sammy looked around and realized that his partner wasn't with us. "I don't mean to interfere with your...discussion, but where's Norman?"

"We haven't seen him since he went inside of the diner." I confessed.

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