Ch 19: Poorly Played Out Plans

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To my surprise, after we looked all over the place for Tom, I came back to our seats just to find him sitting down with a confused and startled expression as Benicio pushed him down and argued about him being gone. Boris stood by his brother's side and hovered over the situation.

Norman and Sammy looked embarrassed to be part of this and were apologizing to the passengers onboard.

"Where did you go? You were trying to leave us, weren't you?" Benicio growled into Tom's face.

Tom blinked, he looked puzzled. "What?" He spat. "I never intended to leave. I went to the restrooms. Back of, man." He growled back.

The mob boss looked as if he wanted to strangle the wolf but he calmed down and made sure to not let Tom out of his sight again.

Alice, who was right by me, lead us back to our seats which were behind there's. "This is gonna be a lot of fun, huh?" She sarcastically said as she slumped down in her seat. I knew she meant about Benicio and Tom having their quarrels. None of us trusted Tom, and him disappearing didn't really help his case. Even if he was telling the truth.

My experiences on trains so far hadn't been good so I was hoping that this mission would go smoothly. Or at least better than before.

Before I knew it, I was feeling tired. My eyes started to become heavy and it was making it difficult for me to keep them open. A small yawn escaped and I tilted my head to face the window. I slowly tuned out the noise from the train and quickly fell asleep.


The rest of the train ride was not fun. Well at least according to Alice. She had to deal with Benicio, Boris, Norman, Sammy and now Tom. The wolf was acting pretty cocky which annoyed the angel.

We had gotten off at Charles Town at around noon and followed behind Tom blindly. At least it felt that way. Benicio was wary about Tom telling the truth, he was ready to attack of the Boris-look-alike tried anything. And by the way, it was pretty strange that a complete stranger looked like Boris.

Tom led us to the end of the town and to a small diner like Douglas' Diner. It was quite charming. "Let me do all the talking, I'm more familiar with Shawn and the rest." Tom concluded.

Norman raised a brow. "I don't know if I trust you with that."

Tom rolled his eyes and ignored him. "Just stay low and outside. If they recognize for any reason, it might cause a scene. I'll get the piece myself." Tom stated as a matter of factly.

Sammy stared at the wolf for a second before talking. "Yeah, obviously." He stated coldly. Tom uttered something under his breath which was probably about him.

Boris cleared his throat. "So where do we go? Plus, we can't possibly trust him to stay in there alone. What if he runs off again?" He addressed the last question to his brother.

Tom groaned. "For the millionth time, I wasn't running away!"

Alice nodded as her partner spoke. "Boris has a point. The wolf has already proven himself to be untrustworthy."

"Um hello, I'm right here!" Tom waved in front of her face. Alice pushed his hand away in annoyance.

"Benicio is too recognizable, so who's gonna go with Tom?" I added to the conversation.

Alice smirked. "How 'bout you, (Y/N)?" I gave her a glare which meant 'No way in hell.'

She laughed at the embarrassing looked on my face. "Okay then, that leaves us four but I don't want to do it either. Boris, Norman, Sammy, who's gonna go with him?"

Tom didn't like the idea of going in with a parter but Benicio wasn't going to have it any other way. He grumbled as Boris nominated himself to go.

"The two wolves. Nice." Norman had an amused smirked plastered on his face.

We had also separately, without Tom knowing, came up with a separate plan which was that someone would be going in when Tom wasn't looking and making sure to be backup for Boris in case anything happened. Norman would be doing that. He didn't trust the Tom at all. Besides, the wolf already hated him for destroying his prosthetic arm.

I was about to go follow Benicio and Sammy towards the alley where we would be hidden, but Alice tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to face her.

Alice had her arms crossed and had an amused smirk across her face. I raised a brow.

"Don't you think that you can go without admitting how you actually feel about Benicio." She grinned.

I quickly became flustered and tried to deny it. "What? No, I-"

She shushed me by placing her finger on my lips. "Don't even try to deny it, (Y/N). We'll talk about it later." She affirmed before twirling me around before I could get another word out.

My face became so red and hot that I was worried that somebody would notice as we came back with the group. Benicio and Sammy were talking over the plan again.

Sammy waved at us as we entered the alley and signaled us over. "I'm about to leave and find a get-away escape since I don't have a car right now." He explained once we reached them.

"Alice, you, and I will stay back and wait for Boris and Tom when they come out with the piece and then we'll leave with Sammy." Benicio added and then adjusted his hands into his pockets.

Sammy nodded. "I'll come back once I find an escape route." He concluded and gave us a two finger salute as he left.

Benicio rubbed his hands together and sighed. "Okay, we're gonna lay low and wait. If anything happens-"

Just then, I heard a window shatter. I squealed in shock because of how close and loud it was. I looked up to see Boris and Tom wide eyed, jumping and sprinting out of the broken diner's window. Boris was carrying the piece, the doll in his hand, which creepily resembled Benicio. Multiple shouts could be heard from inside.

"Go. Go. GO!" Tom panicked and pushed us to run forward.

There were a few gunshots I could hear that came from behind us.

Boris was panting as he ran. "Where's Sam?"

"We went off to go find a escape route a minute ago but hasn't come back yet." Alice answered while running at the pace as him. I followed behind with Benicio.

"Where's Norman?" Benicio questioned once he realized that he wasn't with us.

Boris looked puzzled. "He didn't come out?" He then bit his lip in nervousness.

"Boris?" Alice slowly asked.

Before he could reply, the mob boss stopped for a moment and took out his gun. He was about to shoot but realized he was out of bullets. Benicio groaned and reached into his pocket in a rush to grab extra but then they slipped out of his hand and fell into the snow. I stopped running and went back to help him when I saw that the others who were firing at us were getting closer.

Benicio managed to reload his pistol and started shooting at the gang. One by one, the members fell but others quickly came. I took my gun out to help and pointed towards them but Benicio pushed my hand down. He looked towards them and figured that there were too many to shoot in a short amount of time.

"Nevermind, let's go." He whispered and grabbed me by my wrist. I felt like I was yanked forward but quickly caught my balance and kept running.

Suddenly there was another gunshot and Benicio fell. I skidded to a stop and gasped.

The demon groaned in pain. "CUSS!"

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