Ch 21: Boris Brings Bad News

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"Why does this doll look awfully like me?" Benicio held the piece in his hands. "It's basically a mini me." He beamed.

Boris tilted his head with one ear raised when Bendy lifted the doll to show them.

Norman snorted. "Don't flatter yourself, it looks like ever other demon I've ever seen." We were finally back at the casino with Tom as our hostage. Though it seemed that he was actually enjoying being with us. We all sat around Benicio's desk inside of his office.

Benicio scoffed. "Yeah but- OW! -Alice, really?" He groaned and looked at his wound, she was cleansing it with water.

"You keep this up and you're are gonna get killed before we can ever hope to get the machine fixed and running." She huffed and continued.

The mob boss rolled his eyes and studied the doll once more.

Sammy sighed. "I have no idea how this or any other piece is supposed to work in a machine." He raised a brow. "I hope you know..."

"We'll figure it all once we have all the pieces. Plus the machine." I assured. Boris and Sammy didn't really like the sound of that plan.

"The problem now is trying to find the last piece. Or someone who knows where the last piece is at." Benicio concluded as he carefully set his look-a-like doll down. Boris gave the piece a wary look and then gave the same one to his brother.

Tom, who had been watching us from his seat, finally added to the conversation, "So the machine is in Silly Vision, right? At least according to the address that the Wally fella gave you.  And after that all you need is the inkwell right?" He thought for a moment, all eyes were on him. "What if the last piece is in the same town as the machine?" He wondered.

Norman looked dumbstruck. "You're being...awfully helpful, Tom. I mean, you were trying to kill us the other day."

The armless wolf raised a brow at the sound of his name. "We'll it's the reason you kept me close, isn't it?" He smirked. "Oh and by the way, if you guys already had the address to the machine a while ago, why haven't you gone out to find it until now?"

Benicio groaned. "Because you and your gang sidetracked us. But at least we have two more pieces now." He shrugged and leaned further back into his chair. He took the address for the machine out of his pocket and stared at it.

Alice furrowed get brows. "I know what you're thinking but we are not going after a piece until your leg feels better." She stated as she pointed to his gunshot wound.

"Honestly, I'm going to have to agree with Alice. We should stay for a while." I said with concerning eyes. He stared at more for a while with the same look on his face before shaking it away.

Benicio threw his hands up. "At this rate, it'll take us longer to finish the machine." He claimed with a sharpening tone.

Boris pursed his lips, a slight furrow between his brows as he gazed at his brother. "Benicio, last time I remembered, you aren't able to walk."

The demon crossed his arms and shifted a glance around the room. Everyone wanted to stay. Not just for Benicio but because we were all tired. "Fine." He grumbled. "But I swear, this is the last time." He slowly warned. I warmly smiled at him which made him blush.

Alice noticed how red his face had become and sighed. "What now? Are you sick?" She asked and put a hand to his forehead.

Benicio pushed her hand away in annoyance. "I'm fine."

Norman rubbed his hands together. "Great! How about we leave... next week?"

"Next week?!" Benicio quickly sat up straight in his chair which caused pain in his leg. He groaned and slowly put his leg in a more comfortable position. "No way in hell! The most I'll give you is two days." He crossed his arms with a raised brow.

"Two days- Benicio that's hardly enough time for you to heal." Alice pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

The mob boss narrowed his eyes. "Don't worry about me, I've endured far worse. The faster we get the piece and the machine, the better. Who knows if the wolf gang, Wally, or Moon Man have decided to find it for themselves."

"And why would they do that?" Sammy raised a brow. "We have the rest of the pieces so what good does one messily piece do for them?"

"Blackmail or any other annoying thing they could come up with." Boris replied.

Tom nodded his head. "Exactly. We can't stay for too long, just in case they'll be after it." Then he turned his head around to face Benicio. "But since the demon's hurt, we'll have to wait for him to heal."

Benicio rolled his eyes at the last comment. He definitely didn't enjoy Tom's presence.

I ignored the two guy's interactions. "Don't worry, Benicio, there will be no problems while trying to get the piece. I don't believe they would go after it." I assured because he wasn't trusting our plan.

He thought to himself for a second and then muttered something under his breath. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Alright, Alright. Three days. No more than three days." He stated firmly.

Alice seemed to consider. "But whenever you start to feel pain, don't think we're going to stop for you." She cautioned while waving a finger at him.

So with that, we all went out separate ways. Benicio went to his room to rest, Tom was being monitored by Norman to make sure he didn't do anything, Sammy went to the bar at the casino, and Alice and I hung out at her room. It was all going smoothly until Boris rushed into Alice's room as we were talking. We both gave him a puzzled look.

"We're cutting our break short." He blurted before we could say anything.

Alice sighed, "What happened to our three day break?" She put her hands to her hips.

Boris tossed me a rolled up newspaper. I raised a brow before opening it while Alice stood behind me and looked over my shoulder. When we say what the paper said, I grimaced.  The heading was, "Miss Susie Campbell Finds an Ancient Artifact in Her Hometown." The rest of the newspaper was about what the legend says about the parts and how she was able to get the inkwell. Now archeologists, historians, and scientists were searching intensely for the rest of the pieces and the magical machine which would grant wishes.

Alice groaned, "You have got to be kidding me!"

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