Ch 31: Pondering Plans

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Benicio paced across his hotel room. "So you're telling me that Wally Franks had the Ink Machine in his basement the entire time?"

"He had us searching for the parts just so that he could take them from us and use the miracle for himself?" Boris knitted his brows.

Alice nodded. "That's exactly what he was planning." She confirmed. "But know we could go steal the machine and use the parts ourselves!"

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Norman raised a brow. "Didn't you say that the place was surrounded by guards? That you and (Y/N) barely made it out?"

"But we did make it out and we could do it again." I smirked. "We just need to be careful."

Benicio continued to pace across the floor. He would occasionally stop and think to himself before continuing. "How are we supposed to get inside, steal the machine, and get out alive without being noticed? I don't know about you but that seems puzzling." He scoffed as he crossed his arms.

"Just trust us." I sighed, pointing at Alice and I. "So first..."


Benicio sighed. "If we get caught, it's on you." He said to me. I sheepishly chuckled.

We had successfully made it inside of Wally's place and we were now searching for the Ink Machine. My plan was to sneak in while the back door wasn't guarded and hide in the first empty room we saw. Alice and I were leading the group through the place while barely managing to hide as the guards passed by. We were all hiding in a smaller room now, waiting for the perfect moment to continue our search.

Boris scoffed, "I seriously can't believe you're planning on stealing the heavy machine. How are we even supposed to do that?"

"Have the Ink Machine moved to a new location. I have a feeling Benicio and his mafia are gonna come and try to steal it. Load it into the moving van and take it as far as possible for now. It better be gone from here by 6pm." I could hear Wally's voice from the outside of the room.

"Yes, sir."

After they left, I turned around to face the team with a grin. "I know exactly how we're gonna get the machine now."

Everyone raised a curious brow. Boris and Norman both had a wary expression.

"We just need to sneak to the van they're going to put the machine into, wait until it's loaded in, and then take the van ourselves." I concluded with a smile. "I hope it's as simple as it sounds." I sighed.

Benicio seemed satisfied with the plan. "Alright then, (Y/N). Lead the way."

We carefully made our way outside as Alice and I had last time, we hid behind another van as we waited for the van which would be carrying the Ink Machine. After a few minutes, the machine was loaded in. Two guards hopped inside the van. That's when we made our move. Alice and Boris slowly crept towards the van with the Ink Machine and managed to throw the drivers out without making too much noise in hopes of not attracting the attention of other guards.

When the coast was clear, we all piled inside of the back of the van. Our plan was set into motion. Norman and Sammy climbed into the front of the van and drove off. Since the guards and Wally were already expecting the van to leave, nobody batted an eye. I chuckled knowing that my plan had succeeded.

"I'm actually surprised that worked that easily." Boris stated in a deadpanned tone. "Where are we heading now?"

"Let's head back to the casino. We'll finally be able to put the pieces together!" I chirped with a smile.

"I vote (Y/N) to be the new boss." Sammy smirked.

Benicio scoffed and crossed his arms. "In your dreams."

After a long ride back to the casino, we were able to move the Ink Machine into Benicio's office. We had to remove some furniture from his office but it ended up fitting perfectly.

Benicio whistled as he placed his hands on his hips. "Wow, it looks amazing." He said with a gleam in his eye. Benicio reached into his pockets and pulled out a small key. I raised a curious brow. He walked over to his desk and crawled under. The mob boss pulled out a large wood truck and brought it over to the rest of us. He used the key to unlock it and then opened it. All of the parts- the record, the wrench, the book, the doll, the gear, and the inkwell.

We each took a part and walked up to the Ink Machine, I was holding the gear. We took turns placing the pieces inside of the machine. First, Benicio with the record. Then, Boris with the wrench. Norman with the book and Sammy with the doll. And Alice with the inkwell. After she had carefully placed the part, I walked up to the machine to my the gear. The shiny part glistened as I held it up.

"It's the final piece, congratulations guys!" Sammy chuckled in satisfaction. "I had my doubts but you've all proved me wrong. Especially you, (Y/N)." He smiled.

I grinned and sighed as I turned back to the pieces. I brought it closer to the machine but then...stopped. Wally was standing at the doorway holding a gun.

I hear the blast. I spin with the impact and spray a circle of blood around me. It burns. Like someone stuck a hot coal in my bicep. Tears fill my eyes. I clutch the wound and blood seeps through my fingers. Pins and needles are a distant sensation below my elbow. I try to move it and want to vomit. I can't help but to look. Red, torn flesh the size of a quarter marks where the bullet went in. The next thing I know, I felt dizzy with a terrible headache and can't make out what Benicio is yelling about as I fell into his arms. Alice rushed over to me but as soon as she did, I felt the floor swayed beneath me. The last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me completely was her wide-eyed, worried face.

I had passed out.

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