Ch 5: Because of Two Idiots

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"I didn't think he was actually being serious." Boris stared at me in disbelief. Sammy had just dropped me off to meet up with Alice and Boris behind of some apartment buildings. It was around 10 pm. "Do you even know how to use a gun?" 

"To be honest, I've never held a pistol until tonight." I admitted. Boris pinched the bridge of his nose and murmured something in annoyance. 

Alice went over to Boris. "It's fine. We could teach her some other time." She looked up to the apartments. "But, we need to do business first."


All the lights were out so we quietly sneaked inside. I hid behind both of them and nervously bit my nails as we walked. 

Alice took out a card she had in her shirt's small pocket and read it to herself. "This is the apartment building he should be at according to the address...but I have no clue which house he's living in." She grumbled. Boris didn't reply, he instead tilted his fedora to cover his eyes then walked towards a door and knocked on it. 

"What are you doing!" Alice muttered. "You know we're not suppose to be seen-" From inside, we heard a light switch flip and footsteps coming towards the door. Alice's eyes widened. 

"Go hide." Boris demanded. He tucked the gun he was carrying back into his pocket.

Alice grabbed me by my wrist and yanked me outside. "What's he doing?" I asked, I could tell she was worried. 

"The mook is gonna end up getting arrested." She whispered. "People would recognize us on the spot and call the police. Come on, let's go back to the car for now."

We ended up sitting in the car for 30 minutes, Alice seemed to be tensing up with every second that passed but so far, the police hadn't showed up. We all sat in silence. Then we heard a loud gunshot. BAM. 

Pieces of glass shattered from a top floor. 

"Boris!" Alice blurted. She hurried out of the car because from a distance we could see a tall figure exiting the building in a hurry. It was him.

"What the cuss were you thinking? Did you finish the job? Are you okay?" I stepped out of the car and stood behind her as she gushed about him.

"Yeah I got it done." He took out a few hundred dollars out of his pocket to show us then put them back in. "Now let's get out of here before the police show up. Pretty sure they heard the bullet."  

"Ya think?" Sammy interrupted from the driver's seat. Boris rolled his eyes and hurried everybody back in. It didn't take long for us to hear the annoying wail of sirens from afar. "Holy cuss Boris, whadja get us into this time?" 

Boris scowled, "Enough small talk. Step on it!" Sammy immediately jumped on the pedal and headed in the opposite direction of the sirens. 

"Wait until Benicio hears about this!" Sammy cackled. He took a hard left which threw everyone off guard.

"If you snitch, your dead." Alice threatened once she sat up correctly again which made him simmer down on the laughs.

Red and blue lights stated flashing from behind us. I turned around in the back seat and saw about three different police cars speeding their way to us. I gulped. At this point we were going about 100 miles per hour on the freeway and we weren't slowing down. Sammy took another hard turn to the right that made all of us in the back squish together.

Boris quickly sat straight up. "Hey! Easy on the petal, Sam!" 

"Do you want to get arrested? Besides, this is all your fault!" Sammy hollered over the loud wailing sirens. 

"Shmuck!" Boris uttered loud enough for Sammy to hear. 

"Excuse me!" He had completely taken his view off of the road and had his full focus on the wolf. Oh lord

I looked back at the police cars and they had multiplied. There were six gunning toward us now.

The two men continued their useless argument as the car swayed from side to side on the street, still going at a fast speed. I held on for dear life. Alice was beginning to get annoyed with the two and then she look over at the windshield. She gasped, "Sammy! Look out!" 

Sammy stopped fighting and looked back at the street then cussed. He whipped the car around, nearly running into a tree and driving over a few pedestrians who were recording the chase. 

"Just my luck, now we're completely screwed if we get caught." Sammy grimaced.

Bam. Bam. BAM. The cops started shooting at us. I yelped and covered my head with my hands.

Boris groaned as he took out his own gun and started shooting back from the open window. Alice did the same. I kind off just sat there as pursuit continued. Boris and Alice managed to shoot the front tires of two police cars which sent the cars spinning. 

In front of us, a brick wall firmly stood and at the speed Sammy was going, it was gonna be hard not to crash.

Sammy sucked in a breath. "There's nothing I can do! Brace yourselves!" He stepped hard on the break and the car spun out of control. It made a long skid mark behind us and the cops had stopped and got out of their cars to point their guns at our car. 

Eventually, the car came to a complete stop, fortunately without hitting the wall. Everyone was out of breath and completely in shock. More blaring sirens could be heard from outside and I didn't even want to check how many more cars had appeared. 

"Sammy. What. The. CUSS!" Boris grabbed him by his shirt's collar and shook him around with frustration.

"Let me go, ya mook!" Sammy growled. 

Alice broke up their fight. "Can you two-"

"Step out of the vehicle and slowly raise your hands to where I can see them!" A police with a megaphone stated. Boris gave Sammy a death glare and he gave it right back. 

Alice pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head. "When Benicio hears about this, and he definitely will, you two are so dead." 

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