Ch 25: To Trust or Not to Trust

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We are starting to get closer and closer to the end! Thank you so much for reading!


"I don't think it's a good idea, Benicio." Boris paced across the motel room. We were all gathered in the room Benicio shared with Boris and Tom. It was only a day after our encounter with Miss Susie. "We don't know what she'll do."

The demon flicked his tail to the sides in frustration. He was perched in his chair.

Alice, who sat next to me on the bed, sighed. "We both know how she is. How far she'll go to get what she wants. What if she's playing all of us? She obviously knew you wanted the piece and it was the only reason she got it in the first place. To lure you here. To lure you to her." She contemplated. "She didn't seem happy when she saw (Y/N)."

"Yeah, I could tell." Benicio muttered.

I looked up and stared at the clock on the wall. Time seemed to be moving slower than usual, at least to me. It was almost time to go meet up with Susie Campbell. My stomach flipped just thinking about it. From what heard, she could get pretty crazy.

Boris thought for a moment to himself. "What if we hid close by? In case she decides to pull a fast one." He suggested.

Benicio shook his head. "No...she would know."

"Well what do you suggest we do then?" Sammy asked.

"I want all of you, yes even you Tom, to stay here and stay safe. I fear she'll do something terrible if she catches all of you after she firmly requested that only (Y/N) and I were to go."

Boris tapped his foot against his chair. "I don't like this plan. Not at all, brother."

"You will remain inside of the hotel. We'll be just fine!" Benicio ordered.

"Benicio, (Y/N)," Norman pointed at the clock, "It's time. I doubt she'll be willing to negotiate if you're late."

The mob boss stood up and straightened his suit. "Let's go and hope for the best."


Benicio and I had been walking quietly for a few minutes now.

He bit his lip. "I apologize for Susie's rude behavior towards you. She never got over the fact that we broke up."

I looked up and we both locked eyes. How had I never realized how beautifully dark his eyes were. "Oh, it's alright." I smiled. "By the way," I started once I realized how quiet it had become again, "What's your favorite color?"

He thought for a moment. "I'd say black. But the color yellow on the other hand...ugh...I can't stand it." He made a face.

I raised a brow and chuckled. "Is there a specific reason?"

"It's bad."


"It's just a cussing terrible color. It's bright its obnoxious and it pisses me the hell off it's just a bad color I just- I hate it, I hate it, it's bad." He answered with a groan. I snickered and smiled.

We managed to walk all the way to the hill, as Susie requested, as we finished our conversation. The place was empty. A weird feeling grew inside of me. Benicio looked over the hill, there was a river just below.

"Oh look, they actually arrived." She chirped in excitement. She held the inkwell in her hand. "For a second there I thought you'd both chicken out."

"We'll we came here, Susie. Now hand over the piece." Benicio held his hand out with a stern look.

She chuckled lightly her gazed landed straight on me. This made my heart drop to my feet. "Oh, you thought it would be that easy?" She approached us at the edge of the hill. I tried to back away but the more I did, the closer I would be to falling off.

Benicio's eyes widened. "We had a deal, Susie!"

Her eyes hardened. "How about we make another deal?" She kept her gaze on me.

It was quick, I almost didn't even notice; she had pushed me off.

I was now dangling off the edge of the cliff, holding on to whatever I could grip. I let out a shaky gasp as I realized that my hands were slipping.

"(Y/N)!" Benicio shouted and ran over to save me but Susie stopped him before he could try.

She pushed him backwards, away from me. "Uh, uh, uh. No you don't!"

The mob boss was enraged by this. "Susie Campbell, I swear that if she gets harmed I will-"

"If you try anything, then you won't be getting this." Susie walked over to the edge of the hill, only a few inches away from me. She held the inkwell over the cliff. "You get to choose, Benicio! The inkwell...or her." She cackled with a twinkle in her eye.

I tried pulling myself upward, but it was no use. I didn't know how much longer I could keep this up.

Benicio's eyes widened as he watched me struggle. "I..."

"Choose!" She exclaimed getting a little impatient. She tapped her foot. She began to hold the inkwell with only 2 fingers. "Come on, Benicio! It'll be just like old times! Just you and me!"

Benicio began to panic as he watch me struggle and the fact that the inkwell could fall. He muffled out whatever else she said.

One of my hands slipped. "Help!" I shrieked as I now dangled with only one hand.

"I choose (Y/N)!" Benicio yelled over at Susie. He got closer to her. "Let her go. Now!" He growled.

Susie was shocked. "You know what?" She turned around to look me dead in the eyes. "You won't get both!" She then stomped her foot on my hand and let go of the inkwell at the same time. The amount of pain that rushed through my struggling hand was too much to bear.

I reluctantly let go.

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