Ch 9: Trouble

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A group of wealthy looking men intimidatingly walked inside Route 666 Casino. People watched the gang stroll by and immediately knew that they were trouble. The group made their way down to a poker table where a game was about to end. Chips were won and lost. The group leader sat down to play with a smirk as the others already there started to sweat in fear. The look on the gang member's faces were not friendly. 

The table deicide on the ante and then the dealer quickly passed out the cards to the players. A few players groaned and tossed their cards on the table, signaling they weren't going to play the round. Other players called or raised, signaling that they continue. 

The leader of the gang looked down at his own cards. With a blank face, he scooted all of his chips into the pile. His was all in. The rest of the table paled. The dealer revealed the flop:  a eight, a nine, and a Joker. 

If the man had a good hand, he wasn't showing it.

"You should know, I'm the best player in this town. Someone needs to show you your place," A middle aged man seating a seat away from him scoffed. He was a bit on the shorter side so he used a tall chair.

"Big words for a small man. How about you show those cards?" The mob leader raised a brow.

"With pleasure ." The other man turned his cards over. "Three of a kind!" He grinned as his two jacks were revealed.

The leader of the group hummed. "Well, that's a good hand." He turned his over with a blank face. "Straight." He showed his ten and queen. "I win." He viciously smirked.

The other man looked flabbergasted. He muttered a curse before he stood up to leave. 

"Woah, woah, woah, Fella. I need ya help." The leader called behind him. "You don't happen to know a demon named Benicio, would you?" He asked in a intimidating tone. 

The short man turned around and scoffed. "He owns this casino. 'Course I know him."

The leader stood up and signaled his group to follow him. He smirked down at the man. "Well then, would you ever so kindly lead me to his office?" 


"(Y/N), could you step out of a second please?" Benicio gritted between his teeth. He didn't take his eyes off of the floor. I nodded warily and went to wait outside of his office. The mob boss wasn't at all happy that he had to pay the owner of the restaurant for the destruction caused by his mob. We were back at the casino and Benicio was apparently going to give the four a piece of his mind. 

"Excuse me for trying to help!" 

"Help? You call that help!" 

I could hear muffled voices from inside of the office and I couldn't make out who was saying what. 

"For the millionth time, I wasn't part of their foolery!" 

"It's called helping!"

"It's called making life difficult for someone!" 

I sighed and tuned out the unclear yelling. I slid my back down the wall and sat down next to the door. 

That's when I saw a nicely dressed man and another shorter man behind him. They both walked out of the elevator down the hall and were heading towards the office. I quickly stood up and dusted my pants. 

"Good evening, ma'am. The name's Axel. Axel O'Brien." He introduce himself and stuck out his hand for me to shake. 

"Uh...(Y/N)." I hesitantly replied and shook his hand.  

"We're looking for a fella of mine named Benicio Drew. My new pal," He pointed at the short man standing next to him. "said I would be able to find him here." 

I had a growing suspicion for this guy. I didn't think I could trust him. "No, he isn't here." I lied and crosses my arms. The man narrowed his eyes then he proceeded she shove me out of the way to open the door.

"H-hey!" I protested as I followed behind him. He walked inside as Benicio, Boris, Alice. Sammy, and Norman argued. Once they noticed him, the whole room hushed. The silence felt eerie.

"Hello, Drew." The man greeted in a not-so friendly manner. 

Benicio seemed taken back by his appearance. "Wally Franks? Well, I'll be." Benicio put his hand into the pocket he usually stored his gun into. "Never thought I'd see you again. I clearly remember-" 

"Shooting me and leaving me to die?" Wally raised a brow. "So do I." There was tension in the air and it was so strong that a pair of scissors could cut it.

"What are you here for, Wally?" Boris growled.

"Here for revenge I suppose?" Benicio furrowed his brows and took out his gun.

"Not necessarily." Wally smirked. "You can go ahead and put that weapon of yours away. I won't try anything." Benicio didn't budge. 

I scooted over to Alice who seemed wary of the situation. "What's going on?" I whispered.

"Not sure." She confessed. Her response only made me feel less safe. Sammy and Norman also seemed distressed.

"I'm here to make a deal with you, old buddy." The man claimed. "I'm here to forgive. I don't like to hold grudges against others." The mob boss scoffed at his comment. Wally tossed a briefcase onto the boss' desk. Benicio and Boris raised a brow to this. "Help me get rid of someone for good and you can keep it." Inside of the case there was money, prolly millions, gems and jewelry. 

"Pfft- I make all of this in a day. You can pack up your crap and leave before I shoot and make sure your dead this time." Benicio scowled.

"Ah. But there's also this." Wally reached into his brown coat's pocket and took out a...gear? 

Benicio almost gasped, he was too stunned to speak. He even lowered his gun. "Is that-"

"One of the missing pieces to the Ink Machine? Why, yes. Yes it is." Wally smirked in pride as he held it up for everyone to admire. Even Alice stared at it with wide eyes. What was so special about a gear? "So, do we have a deal or not?" 

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