Ch 24: Susie

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We were successfully able to drag the lady into the alley way with us. Norman, Sammy, Alice and I, the one's who scared the lady away, hid away to not frighten her again. Boris helped her sit up against the wall once she finally woke up. She looked around in fear.

"Do you want my money? Take it--take it all! Just...let me go, please!" She croaked.

Boris chuckled, "No, ma'am. We just need to take to you, about the ink machine pieces." He soothingly said.

She raised a brow. "What?"

"Let me call my brother. He'll explain it better." Boris smiled and signaled Benicio over who was waiting at the entrance of the alley, making sure the police weren't coming.

The lady gasped when she noticed Benicio. "There isn't enough salt in the world to protect us from the hell you're trying to unleash!"

Alice couldn't help but silently chuckle from where she was hiding.

"Oh don't worry, ma'am. The demon and I go way back." Boris assured while giving his brother a cocky smile. Benicio scoffed at the way Boris referred to him. She hummed unsurely.

"As I said before, we need your help to find an ink machine piece and we heard that you know someone who has one, Miss." Benicio explained.

She though for a bit. "Ah yes. My good friend Susie. I'm sure you've heard about her in the paper." She recalled a bit hesitant. 

Boris lit up and lifted an ear. "Actually, yes we have! Do you happen to know where she could be now?"

"Last time I spoke with her, she was at home. She lives close from here, on Mulberry Street. Just one block up ahead and you'll reach her apartment. It's the first door you see." She informed. "Good luck on your search."

Benicio seemed satisfied with the information. "Thank you, Miss. Good day to you."

And with that, we all part over to Susie Campbell's home.

But, as we were walking down the street, we had totally forgotten that the police were searching for us. There was no way we could explain that everything was fine because the lady was no longer with us.

Police officers slowly but surely began to surround us from all angles.

Sammy bit the inside of his cheek. "This isn't good."

"How can you tell." Tom asked.

"See how they're slowly surrounding us? And they have guns and knifes and I think one guy is carrying a machete?" Sammy whispered.

I winced. How would we get out of this without getting shot?

"We have five people trying to kill us right now, what are we suppose to do?" Alice worried.

Norman cleared his throat "Actually, it's more like eight."

"Oh, sorry I wasn't specific enough!" Alice barked back.

Benicio rolled his eyes. "Anger makes you stupid and stupidity gets you killed...On my signal, we are all gonna run in our own separate ways. Whenever I say go." He whispered as the police swarmed closer.

Boris glared at his brother with huge anxious eyes. "Are you crazy?" He said between his teeth. "How do you know they won't start blasting?"

"I don't. Go!" Benicio blurted. We all ran in different directions.

I heard the police shooting but I didn't look back or stop. I was trying to get safely away as possible. I made sure to take a few back alleys and lose any police that tried to follow. After a few long minutes of running, I started to slow down to catch my breath.

I took a deep breath. "I-I really need to work out more..." I huffed as I sat down on the street curb.

"You sure do." Alice smirked. She had snuck behind me. "You ran pretty far! I was right behind you but then lost you for a second. Luckily I found my way to you." She sighed and sat down beside me.

I smiled but then hardened my face again. "Where are the rest? You think they got caught?"

Alice tilted her head. "If you didn't get caught, there's no way in hell that they would. Especially Benicio. That guy would claw his way out of a problem if he had to." She chuckled lightly. "But we should probably go look for them...just in case."

"Yeah, I think so too. Let's hope they didn't get into anymore trouble." I snickered.


Alice and I were able to fins Mulberry Street and the apartments Miss Campbell apparently lived at. Benicio, Boris, and Tom were already there waiting for us. Soon enough, Norman and Sammy were able to find their way as well.

Before we knocked on the first door we saw, Sammy turned to Benicio. "You know what, Ben? You should do all the talking. Y'know, since you already know her."

"Yeah, I was planning to." He replied as the door cracked open.

"Planning to what?" A small voice said from inside. Susie Campbell's head peered out. "Benicio?" She gasped.

Benicio grimaced. "Good day to you, Miss Campbell."

"Good day indeed. I would have never expected you to come back, but I forgive you." 

Benicio's eyes widened. "Oh uh, no, sorry. I- I'm not here to get back together with you, Susie. I'm sorry about what happened but I have no intentions of repairing what we had before..." He looked down in guilt. 

She stayed quiet for a moment. "Oh...It's the piece isn't it. That's why you're here? Typical." She scoffed and then her eyes landed on me. "Oh? Who's your new dame, Benny? Is she the reason we aren't together?" She seethed while looking me up and down in disgust. 

"Oh no, no, no. (Y/N) is merely a new member of my mafia." He assured. I bit my lip in disappointment. But he frowned at what he said if he didn't mean it. A spark of hope was placed in me.

"I see. Well, yes. I'll give you the piece. Meet me at the hill which is just above the river. You remember which one? You used to take me on dates there." She said loudly enough so I could hear. I frowned.

Benicio didn't seem comfortable. "Yes, I remember."

"Good. I only want you and your new little friend to come. No one else. I'll then give you the piece you are longing for." She promised. "You trust me, right?"

The demon grimaced but nodded. "Fine. (Y/N) and I, no one else."

She smiled. "Perfect."

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