Ch 27: The Journey Continues

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We said our good nights as we all separated into our rooms; Alice and I went into the room we shared. She quickly grabbed some towels from the bathroom and wrapped me up as I sat, shivering on the bed.

"What a mook. What kind of a person throws someone off a cliff!" Alice grumbled as she went to go get new sheets to replace the ones I had wet when I sat down.

I was perched on the edge of the bed with a rigid posture. "Well at least it all turned out alright." I gave her a small smile.

She muttered something under her breath before continuing, "Yeah, and she got what she deserved." She smirked.

"So I guess that means that now we need to find the machine and...we're done."

Alice's eyes enlarged. "Woah! I didn't even realize it! Time really flies!" She chuckled with a sigh. "But luckily, the piece is here in town as well. At least according to the paper that Benicio has."

"Yeah." I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "Hopefully we get to rest for a while longer. I need this." I mumbled as I submerged in the bedsheet.

Alice chuckled and kicked off her shoes. She sat on her bed before collapsing completely onto the bed. "Same here..." I turned around to see what else she would say, but by the time I did, she was snoring away.

My eyes soon started to become heavy. I shut them and allowed myself to fall into a deep sleep.


"So you're telling me that we can't go outside yet?" Norman asked Benicio after the demon had pulled him back inside of the hotel as he opened the door to leave.

It was all ready the next morning and we were all standing inside of the lobby.

There was a police officer walking right outside of the hotel lobby. Benicio was quiet until the officer left. "Don't you remember? The police are still looking for us! We have to be careful." He explained to all of us. We were all ready to go find the ink machine. Benicio pulled out the paper that had the information to where we could find it. "It's definitely here in Silly Vision, at least according to the paper Wally gave me, but that's all it really says." He grumbled.

Boris furrowed his brows. "So we really have no clue where it exactly is at?"

"Nope." Tom answered and he peeked over Benicio's shoulder to get a closer look at the paper. Benicio shoved Tom away in annoyance.

Alice tapped her chin as she thought. "Do you think some of the same people that found the inkwell could've also found the ink machine? In the newspaper it stated that they would be searching for it. Maybe we could ask around."

"And risk having the police called on us? No way!" Sammy scoffed.

"Sammy's right," Norman began, "We need to do this in secret."

"But didn't the lady find out that we weren't trying to harm her? I believe she would have told the police to stop the search by now." I chipped in a bit hesitatingly.

"Unless we find her again and have her word for it, I'm not taking that chance." Benicio replied.

I hummed in understanding. "So how in the world are we going to find the machine?"

"We could go back and ask Wally." Alice suggested.

Benicio scoffed, "As if that low-life would want to help us even more."

"We could start searching where the archeologists are searching." Boris cleared his throat.

"That wouldn't be in secret though." Sammy frowned. "We would definitely be caught that way."

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